Straight as a ruler | part 11

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An: finally a part with over 1000 words Omg! It's been so longgg


Robin's eyes are staring into Max's eyes. "No?", Robin replies.

"No", Max says quick and nervously back to her. Max feels herself getting nervous again maybe even slightly scared?

"No one makes you feel a way you can't explain", robin says and looks out into the room. Max suddenly thinks of someone and looks down.

"No one makes you feel like you just wanna hold them and never let go, or is that just me", Robin says jokingly and looks back at Max.

"Who made your cheeks pink this morning?". Max didn't know there was someone making her face change color. This isn't it, it just can't be. Max didn't have feelings for girls. She was straight as a ruler.

"I'm not making you uncomfortable am I?", Robin says a little worried.
"Oh no no, you're not I'm just thinking", max replies quickly to reassure Robin.

"May I ask what you're thinking?", Robin then says looking at Max again with a smirking smile.

"Uh I don't know what is going on", Max says looking at Robin again.

"I wont tell anyone you know", Robin replies with her calm voice.

"Well uh remember you were gonna tell me that thing!", Max says fast to break the awkwardness, she at least felt awkward.

"Oh yeah right i was wasn't I..", Robin looks down into her lap and starts to fidget with her fingers. Max feels relieved they didn't have to talk about her anymore.

"Ok so the thing is I'm just a little worried", Robin says quietly.

"What do you mean?", Max gets confused again. Worried? About what? What is she telling me?

"Im not like you think Max", Robin let's out. She feels herself breathing heavily and quickly. Terrified about what max will think of her after finding out. Max doesn't reply, she just looks confused at Robin still.

"I'm..", She says to herself. She can't bring herself to let the words out. She wishes she didn't tell Max anything about this. Not that she has any idea.

"I- ok.. I don't", robins says so quickly and silently Max can't even hear it.

"What did you say", Max asked even more confused than before. What is she telling me? Or trying to tell me? Robin sits up and puts her arms around her legs. She lies her head down on her knees and wants to disappear. It shouldn't be this hard to just tell her but it is. Robin feels ashamed she is this way and also embarrassed she can't even bring herself to tell it and is curling up to a ball like a baby in front of a younger girl.

"You'll probably not wanna be my friend if you know", Robin says under her breath but Max hears it. Max feels bad for Robin. As her new friend comforting her was the first thing that popped up In her head.

Robin has her eyes closed and feels a tear run down her cheek and her nose start to run. Suddenly Max puts her hand on Robins shoulder. This surprises Robin enough for her to look back up. Quickly she wipes her face before max sees, but it's too late.

"I'll still be your friend Robin", Max says surprisingly confident because she is also very nervous.

"I don't think you understand Max", Robins says looking down again.

Max looks at Robin. Grabs her hand and says: "tell me the story Robin". Max gives her a smile and lets out a little chuckle.

"Ok if you insist", Robin says back smiling through the tears.

"I was in class. Mrs clicks class. Steve sat in front of me. But there was one girl. Tammy. She was well.. very pretty. She was everything I wanted to be. She was just so amazing." Robin says and let's out a deep breath.

"I.. I.. I wanted her to look back at me like I looked at her, but she couldn't take her eyes away from Steve and I hated it." She lets out another deep breath.

"I wasn't sure if I hated Steve, her or myself the most, I would scream into my pillow every single damn day because of it all", another deep breath.

"Well it wasn't long until I figured out it all", Robin says letting out again another very deep breath.

"What was it", max curiously asks.

"I.. I was", Robin says unsure if she should tell the rest.

"You were what Robin", max asks.

"I was in love", Robin finally is able to say. She feels both a relief and also completely ready for Max to storm out of the apartment and yell at Robin about how disgusting she is. She looks down again waiting for it to happen.

"With the Steve?", Max says.

"With Tammy", Robin says fast and starts to feel more tears spill out of her.

"Oh", Max says sort of shocked. She likes girls. That's what she was trying to tell me this whole time?

"Oh", Robins says back to her rolling her eyes.

"You know Robin, I haven't met many people like you but I really don't care", Max says in her regular voice again.

"So we're still friends", Robins says surprised and looking back up at Max.

"Of course we are", Max says smiling to Robin.
Robin sits like normal again and looks at Max. She quickly goes in for a tight quick hug. It surprises Max a bit, but she hugs Robin back somewhat understanding what Robin feels. It's nice.

"Thank you", Robin says under her breath.
"Thank you so much Max". Robins feels a huge relief. She was so sure Max would run off the second she told her.

"It's ok Robin, it's gonna be alright", Max says and smiles even though Robin cant see it. She's happy for Robin. Everything just feels so much more comfortable in this moment. Robin pulls away from the hug.

"Thanks again for being cool about this", She says again. Max smiles to Robin "of course I can't judge my friends you know". Robin smiles to back to her and chuckles.

"But I really have to go to the bathroom", Max says and lets out a little laugh.

"Ok", Robins says and laughs. "It's the door to the left".

"Kay", Max replies to Robin. She gets up and walks over.

"Yeah enjoy", Robin says jokingly.
When max locked herself in the bathroom Robin let out a deep breath. She was happy she found someone who still liked her after finding out her sexuality.


<meanwhile at the cabin>

El is laying in her bed. It's pretty early still but she's already in her pyjamas. She's holding her fav stuffed animal and looking up at the ceiling. The only one on her mind is Max. Nothing else but Max. She's so pretty and nice and sweet and also a great hugger! She's just so. So... She sits up quickly. What Is it with her? Why her? Why do I feel this for her and no one else?

"Hop!", She yells out. She stretches her arm out and opens the door with her powers. Hop leans back in his chair and looks back at El.

"Everything ok kid?", Hopper asks. He sees something is not right with her and gets up and walks over to El.

"I.. I I don't know", she answers. Hop sits down in Els bed.

"I need to ask you something", El says looking at Hopper.

"Ok go on kid", hop says and puts his hand on Eleven shoulder to comfort her.

"I feel so good around Max", She says.
"Like really good, but I don't know why". Eleven pauses for a second "I think I might.. I might". She looks down and starts to fidget with the stuffed animal.

"Max is a very special friend isn't she?", Hopper says. El looks back up at Hop.

"Yea I really like her", El says and smiles because she's thinking of Max again.


Word count: 1341

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