Heartbreak & Some Serious Problems

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I finally get home and walk slowly indoors. I open the door and chuck my keys into the little bowl we have near the door. I ignore Kat and Vicky's questions and just continue to trudge up to my room.

I get to my room and lock the door. I sit on my bed for a bit before breaking down all over again. I just cry and cry and cry. It hurts so much. All of a sudden, my head begins to throb, and a wave of nausea hits me like a ton of bricks. The pain just makes me cry harder. I quickly remove all of my clothes and makeup before brushing my hair and putting it in two lose braids. I also put on a onesie and some furry socks. I climb back into bed and eventually cry myself to sleep because of the pain.

*12 hours later*
I open my eyes and yawn. I barely get a minute to reflect on the events of yesterday before I'm hit with another wave of nausea. I run to my bathroom and pretty much puke my guts out. I collapse to the floor and begin to cry again. My head and back are killing me and I just feel tired.

I pick myself up and go back to my bed. I fm figure that I should give myself a day off from everything. I feel like crap both physically and emotionally, so I am just going to give myself a day.

After lying in my bed for a while, I hear someone jiggling my door knob. I want to let whoever it is in, but I don't feel like I can get up just yet. I just slump backwards and lie there.

A few minutes later, there's banging at my door. I grunt in response. I hear someone sigh and go, "I didn't want to have to do this." That sounded like Vicky. Oh crap. What's she gonna do?

A few seconds later I hear quickened footsteps, and then my door is on the ground. Ummmmm.... She smirks triumphantly and says, "Looks like you're not the only one who can kick a door down." When she sees how upset I look, she walks over to me and sits on my bed. She puts her arm around me and I sink into her. I begin to cry. Again. For like the 10000000000000th time in the past few days. I hate myself. I'm an annoying bitch who can't keep a boyfriend.

Vicky just lets me cry for a while, and when I finally stop, she looks at me sympathetically and says, "So what happened?" I explain everything, and she just sits and listens. When I finish, she hugs me. Then she puts her mouth to my ear and whispers, "I'm gonna murder that asshole." Despite how upset I am, I chuckle and say, "Be my guest. He's already dead to me."

Okay, so, I know what you're thinking: Wow, she's completely overreacting. I know, but for some weird reason, I keep having mood swings...... I can't help it...

I take a deep breath, stand up and walk to the door. I turn to face Vicky and say, "Im hungry. You coming?"

I'm done moping. I've been depressed more in the last few days than I have in the last few years.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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