Concerts & A Meet and Greet Gone Horribly Wrong

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We get to the concert, and show the security guy our tickets. He looks at me a little weirdly though because I'm not bursting with excitement, probably much unlike the other girls he's let in so far. Oh well. I've never heard of them, so I'm not about to piss myself with excitement.

We get to our seats, which are right up front (like first row) and wait for about half an hour. Then, we hear a voice coming from the speakers that are placed all over the arena. "Introducing, 5 Seconds of Summer!!!!!" Four boys run out on stage, and one of them looks oddly familiar. Fuck. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. This is NOT happening. Nope, not today, not to me. Just no. I can't believe this. Fuck my life. Why do bad things always happen to me?!

I don't recognize the first two boys, and the third looks kind of familiar... but I definitely recognize the fourth. It's Ashton. As in, Ashton from last night, Ashton. They all look out into the crowd and wave. Ashton catches my eye, and his eyes widen in shock. He smirks when he sees the VIP pass dangling from around my neck. "I'll see you later." he mouths to me. Oh god.

*2 Hours Later*
The concert is almost over, and I have to admit, their songs are pretty good. They aren't a boy band like I had originally assumed that they would be. And an added bonus was seeing Ashton's biceps bulge as he played the drums. Can someone say HOT?!

The one in the middle with the quiff (who's name Kat had told me was Luke) stands up on one of the box things in the front part of the stage and says "So, for our last song, we're gonna play The Only Reason. GOOD NIGHT SYDNEY, WE LOVE YOU!!!!" They start playing the song, and automatically, it becomes my favorite song they've played tonight. It's so, just, WOW, I can't even, there's no words.

They play the last chords, and then they all walk to the front of the stage. They wave, do a little awkward bow, and run off the stage. The voice on the speaker comes back and says "All those who have VIP passes may report to Door B on the right of the stage, to be taken backstage to meet the band. Please have your passes ready."

We walk over to the door and stand in line. After about 10 minutes we get to go backstage to meet the band. I'm NOT looking foward to this because I really do not want to speak with Ashton. But anyway, we get backstage, and we stand in another line. I'm can see Ashton and his other three band members sitting at a table. Ashton catches my eye and waves, but I just look away.

About 15 minutes later, we are nearly to the front of the line and Kat is completely freaking out. I try to calm her but she can't breathe. And I don't think it's because she's excited, I think there's actually something wrong. We've been standing around for a while, and I know she gets light headed if she stands up for too long without having any water. She's gonna pass out. Shit.

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