Preparations & Second Guessing

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I run into my room with Kat and Vicky. They start digging through my closet trying to kind an outfit, and I rush into my bathroom to shower. I wash my hair and body and I shave my legs. I jump out of the shower, and wrap a towel around my hair, and another around my body. I run back out into my room to see what Kat and Vicky have picked out. There's a dark gray muscle shirt, black leather leggings, and an army jacket. They also have out my black ankle boots. I rid myself of my towel (yes, Vicky and Kat are still in my room, but they're my best friends so... whatever, it's not like they've never seen me naked before), and put on underwear and a black lacey bralette (which I guess will go under my muscle shirt like a bandeau type thingy). I throw on my outfit, and rush to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I brush my hair and let it hang loose around my shoulders, and I do natural makeup around my eyes. I use a dark reddish-purplish lipstick, and then I paint my nails a dark purple color. I put my iPhone 5s into a gray and white case. I run back out to my bedroom to see Kat and Vicky standing there waiting. I twirl and wait for they're opinions. Vicky squeals and Kat claps. They both run over and gently hug me, being careful not to mess up my appearance.

Vicky and I gush about how excited we both are, but I see that Kat has a bit of a weird look on her face. I question, "Is something wrong?" She sighs and says, "Okay, come here, sit down." She lightly shoves Vicky towards my bed, and she grabs my hand and brings me to sit down. Once we are all sitting, she looks me in the eye and says, "Are you sure you're ready for this? Is it too soon? I mean, you just ended things with Ben, and-" I cut her off and say, "Yes. I am completely, positively, absolutely sure that I am ready and that this is the right thing to do. I think that the fact that I'm so ready to go on this date shows how much I am over Ben. After things ended, I realized that I don't think I ever really loved him. I was just in love with the idea of having someone to love. Someone to love me. But thinking back now, I realize how wrong we were for each other. And I sure as hell know that he didn't love me. I think he had cheated on me multiple times before this, but I was just too blind to see it, and I didn't want it to be true. But know that I'm hear, looking back on everything, I know that I am making the right choice. I really like Ashton. As soon as I met him, I knew there was something there. I'm really excited about this date. More excited than I ever was before a date with Ben. I'm just glad that things ended when they did, because I realize now how unhappy I was with him. I'm ready to move on. And I really hope that things will go well with Ashton. Because I really like him, and I think he likes me too. I don't think I've ever felt like this." I finish my little speech and finally breathe. Kat and Vicky both look a little bit shocked, but they seem like they understand. Finally, Kat nods and says, "Okay, if you're really sure....." I squeal and hug her, and say, "Yes! I'm so sure! I don't think I've ever been so certain about something!" We all laugh at my excitement, and then we just chat for a bit, waiting for 7:30 to come.

*Half an hour later*
Kat, Vicky, and I are all talking about which was better; the Harry Potter books or the movies. Vicky and I both agree that the books are way better, but Kat seems to think that the movies surpass the books. How wrong she is.......

All of a sudden, the doorbell rings. I shoot up of of the bed, my eyes wide. I silently scream, and I can see the girls trying not to giggle. I turn to them and say, "Could you please go down and open the door, and tell Ashton that I will be down in a minute?" They nod and rush downstairs. I quickly grab a purse and stuff my phone into it. I also throw in $50 so I can help pay for something if I need too. I also grab chapstick, earbuds, a compact mirror, my keys, my phone charger, and some gum, and I shove all of those into my bag as well. I quickly slip two black hair ties into my wrist, and put on my jacket. I put my purse on my shoulder, and look in the mirror. Somewhat pleased with how I look, I turn and walk out of my room and down the stairs.

About halfway down the stairs, I hear muffled voices. I stop and listen. "Listen, she's not here. Go home. She wouldn't want to see you even if she was here." That was Kat. Then I hear a male voice say, "I want to see her. Let me see her." I guess that's Ashton. I wonder why Kat is telling him to go home... Somewhat annoyed, I continue walking. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I finally see who is at the door. My mouth drops open. I struggle to find words. When they finally come, all I can say is, "You're not Ashton."

A/N: So who do you think is at the door? Leave comments here about who you think it might be.



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