Awkward Moments & Ashton

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I see her begin to collapse and quickly move to catch her. I gently bring her to the floor. Oh my god. I've never dealt with her in this state before. The past few times she's done this, she's been with Vicky. I start to panic, and (it's kind of embarrassing *cringe*) scream incoherently for help. Just my luck, the first person to rush over is the boy I've been trying to avoid all night, Ashton. Although I want nothing to do with him, I need help for Kat, and I'll take what I can get.

Somehow, a water bottle seems to magically appear in his hand and he opens her mouth a little to pour some in. Then we sprinkle it on her forehead to cool her down. Although she seems to be waking up, we need to get her to the hospital, because she's still weak. Paramedics come over and lift her up onto a stretcher. I see some official-looking people in all black attempting to gain control over the fans. I hear one of them apologizing and saying that the meet-and-greet is over. I feel bad, but oh well, I need to focus on Kat. I look over and see the other 3 band members being kept away from us by a paramedic, because they must not want too many people near the semi-unconscious girl on the ground. As I look closer, one of the boys looks oddly familiar. But whatever, it's probably my imagination. I look up at Ashton and he gives me a weak smile, one that, oddly enough, I want to return. But, I stop myself, roll my eyes, and turn my attention back to my ill best friend.

The paramedics bring her out to the ambulance, and Ashton and I follow. We get in, and begin the 30 minute drive to the hospital. On the highway, I see the other 3 guys in a car behind us. That's actually really sweet. Awh.

We finally arrive at the hospital, and Kat goes in for a standard examination, leaving me in the waiting room with 5 Seconds of Summer. Okay then...... this'll be fun!!!! (Note the sarcasm)

I feel a tap on my shoulder, and turn to see Ashton. I sigh. "What?" I ask, hoping he will pick up on my exasperation, and leave me alone. He doesn't. Instead, he sheepishly grins and says, "Can I talk to you for minute? You know, in private?" I cautiously nod, and let him lead me down a hallway. I wonder what he wants to talk about......

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