Breakups & Really Bad Ideas

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"I HATE HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!" I yell, and then proceed to stuff my face with chocolate ice cream. My two best friends, Victoria (Vicky) and Katherine (Kat), look on helplessly, not knowing what to say to make me feel better. I just continue on my rampage. "WHAT THE FUCK? HOW COULD HE DO THAT?! I LOVED HIM, AND HE CHEATED ON ME WITH SOME SLUT!!!!!! FUCK YOU BENJAMIN JAMES GREEN!!!!!!!!!!" If you couldn't tell, my boyfriend of one and a half years had cheated on me. I popped over to his house yesterday without telling him, hoping to surprise him. Well, we were both in shock when I walked in to find him fucking some bimbo on his couch. He just stared at me in disbelief, while the bleach blond slag just continued riding him. The bitch! Really, do you not even have the decency to stop and attempt to cover yourself?! And then my asshole ex went on to make shitty excuses about how, "It's not what it looks like!" Really? BECAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE FUCKING A SKANK RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!!!!! So.... I slapped him and made a dramatic exit. I didn't let myself cry until I got back to the flat I share with Vicky and Kat. I was so devastated that I wasn't even able to stop crying and tell them what had happened until about two hours ago. It took about an hour to tell the story, and now they're just letting me cry.

"Why don't we go out tonight?" Kat says slowly. Me and Vicky turn our heads to look at her. "What?" I say, "Why the hell would I want to do that?" I'm still getting over my first big breakup, and she wants to go out and get drunk?! Then Vicky pipes up, "It could be good for you to get out and.... ya know.... Try to get over Ben?" I stare at her in disbelief. Vicky's a bookworm. She would rather stay at home and curl up with a book than go clubbing any day. It's just not her scene. It's usually me and Kat (who's a complete party animal) trying to get her to come out with us, not them two convincing me!

"Pleeeeeeeaaaassssseeeeeeee, Kylie!!!!!" They chorus. I sigh in defeat, and they sit back, smiling because they know they've won. I slowly trudge up the stairs, making sure to show them how displeased I am with them. I make my way to my room, and into my shower. I take a long time to wash my hair and body, attempting to both look my best, and try to disguise that fact that I am an emotional wreck on the inside. I also make sure to shave my legs, under my arms, and "down there". Who knows what will happen tonight?!

Once I get out of the shower, I dry off and make my way to my closet to pick out an outfit. After nearly half an hour of looking, I have a few options, and I lay them out on my king-sized bed. Option #1 is a pair of short, black, high-waisted shorts, and a neon pink crop top. I've also got a pair of stilettos in the same shade of pink. Option #2 is a tight, black, bodycon dress, and a pair of red pumps. Option #3 is a tight, charcoal gray mini skirt, with a navy, light blue, silver, and black tribal printed tank top (to be tucked in), and a pair of black ankle boots, on which the heels are about 5" high.

After much deliberation, I decide on outfit #3, the skirt and tank top. I pick out a black lacy bra, and a matching thong, and slip them on. I put on the dress, and start to do my hair. I decide just to straighten it. I have long, wavy, ombré hair, so it looks amazing when it's straight. It doesn't take long, so I'm able to quickly move onto my makeup. I decide on a dark smokey eye, and pale lips. The colors really bring out my pale complexion.

After inspecting myself in my full-length mirror, I decide that I look mediocre, and that I am decent enough to leave my house. I grab a navy clutch, my iPhone, $50, and my keys, and walk downstairs. I see Vicky and Kat already waiting for me. Vicky's soft blond hair is piled up in a cool messy bun type thing on top of her head, and she's sporting a baby blue play suit. She's also wearing tall white wedges. She's got light grey eyeshadow on her eyelids, and pale pink lipstick. Kat is wearing a high-waisted black leather skater skirt, and a turquoise bralette. She's also wearing stilettos in the same color as her top. She's gone for somewhat of a natural eye look, and bright pink lips. Her dark brown hair had been put into a sleek high ponytail. We look hot!!!!!!!

Vicky (being the responsible one) had already called a cab, so that we didn't have to worry about one of us being the DD. We walk outside, and get in the taxi, and I'm not sure whether to be excited about tonight, or guilty that I'm going out again so soon after a major breakup. Oh well!

A/N Hi guys!!!!! This is my first story, so I would absolutely love if anyone wanted to give me feedback. Let me know what you think. Feel free to leave comments telling me your opinion on the story, and if there's any way I can improve it. Thanks!


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