Pizza Stealing & Door Kicking

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I open my eyes, but quickly close them again due to the sunlight that's pouring into my room through the blinds on my windows. I slowly open my eyes this time, and sit up. I lean against the headboard of my bed, and reflect on the dream that I just woke up from.

I was with someone. I guess I assumed it was Ashton in the beginning, but then as the dream progressed, I realized that I was, in fact, with Ben. He kept trying to have his way with me, but I didn't want it. He made me.

So yeah, I had an awful nightmare about my ex-boyfriend raping me (which almost happened in real life as well), and then woke up sweating and panting with a bright light shining in my face. Fantastic. The day's going great so far. It can only get better from here! *awkward fake smile* (note the sarcasm)

I pull myself together and look over at the clock. It's 12:30, so I guess it would be okay to eat pizza, because it's pretty much lunch time? Whatever, I don't care, I missed breakfast, so lunch is breakfast. And honestly, it doesn't even make a difference, I probably would've had pizza either way. Pizza's good.

I pull myself out of bed, and go to exit my room. However, on my way out, I catch sight of myself in the mirror, cringe, and walk backwards to get a better look. I stop in front of my mirror and inspect my appearance. Not too bad except for the fact that I really need to brush my hair. Like really bad.

I locate my brush, and drag it through the tangled mess that I like to refer to as my hair. It had somehow come out of its braid while I slept, so I also track down the hair tie and throw my hair up into a bun. Somewhat satisfied with my appearance, I trudge downstairs to the kitchen. I make my way over to the fridge (aka the love of my life, sorry Ash), and pull out a few slices of leftover pizza. I don't bother heating them up, partly because I'm too lazy, and partly because I just happen to really enjoy cold pizza. Especially when said pizza has chicken and/or bacon on it. Which (thankfully), it does.

I bring my pizza over to the table and sit down. Just as I begin to wonder where Kat and Vicky are, they somehow magically appear on either side of me. It startles me, causing me to laugh, and then choke on my pizza. Because that's exactly what every normal, non-spazzy human does when they're surprised.... Yep, that's exactly what happens.

After a coughing fit and lots of back-slapping, I can breathe and speak like a functional human being. The girls sit down across from me at the table, and begin to pester me with questions about last night.

"Where did you go?"
"Did he ask you to be his girlfriend?"
"What time did you get home?"
"Did you do the frickle-frackle?"
"Was there food?"

(All very good questions, I might add)

I think for a second, and then respond to all of their questions in order.

"We went to Fairview Hill, yes, like 1:30 or 2, NO, and yes there was food, thanks Kat for telling him what to bring."

Then there's squealing and hugging, and at some point during the confusion, Vicky steals my pizza and runs up to her room with it. I stand there in shock for a moment, thinking about the audacity one must have in order to steal someone else's pizza, and then run after her, with absolutely no help whatsoever from Kat. She just collapses onto the kitchen floor. That girl needs to get a grip on her bodily functions, she can't just fall to the ground every time she starts to laugh.

I run up the stairs to Vicky's room only to find the door locked. Dammit. I almost consider sprinting to my room to grab a bobby pin to pick the lock, but there's no time. She'll have them all eaten by then. A make a split second decision and know what I need to do.

I back up a few steps before taking a breath and planting my foot down and using my other foot to kick the door down. It falls to the ground (making a really loud sound), and I burst into the room. Vicky has a slice held up with her mouth open, just about to take a bite. Her hand freezes and her eyes widen. I smirk, march over to where she sits, and snatch the slice from her hands. I grab the others, but before I exit, I use my hand to shut her mouth. Poor girl couldn't close it. I guess shock can do that. It seems as though she forgot about those years of karate classes that my aunt had me take. Kicking in a door is nothing. I hope she doesn't mind living without a door for a few days...

As I walk through the hall, I pass Kat, who apparently came running upstairs when she heard the bang. At least no one got hurt. This time.

No one comes between me and my pizza.

No one.

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