Doctors & Surprises

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The boys and I have been sat around making conversation for a while now, usually about music, but the topic will occasionally change over to food. I'm really worried about Kat, I wonder if she's okay.....?

As if on cue, a doctor (who is quite attractive and looks to be in his early 20s) walks into the waiting room and says, "Is anyone here for Katherine Daniels?" The boys and I all stand up, and the doctor gives us an odd look. I guess we are a bit of a weird looking bunch. We've got Mikey and his colored hair. Me, the tiny little punk-rock/hipster girl. Ashton, a tall, muscular, tan looking guy. Calum, who kind of looks Asian, but is not. And last but not least, Lukey, the tall, gangly, blonde guy who looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly. Oh well, we may be an odd looking group of people, but who cares?!

Anyway, the doctor walks over to our 'interesting' looking group, and says (in a very strong Irish accent), "Hello, I'm Dr. McCorry. I'm the doctor who just performed the physical on Kat. How do ye know her?" I smile and reply, "I'm her best friend and roommate." The doctor seems somewhat shocked to hear that I also have an Irish accent. He smiles back at me and says, "So, where are you from?" I reply, "I'm actually Australian, but I moved to Ireland when I was very young. I lived with my aunt in Tipperary." A look of recognition flickers onto Luke's face, but it disappears just as quickly. The doctor doesn't seem to notice, and continued on with our conversation. He says, "Oh, I'm from Waterford, but my mam had friends down in Tipperary that she used to take me over to visit. Sure, it's nice, but 'it's just as wet as everywhere else." I laugh and go, "Yeah, but sure, my family have mobile homes up at the beach in your part, and Waterford isn't too sunny either. I went up with them one time, and it was pouring rain. And ye think Tip is wet?!" I wink and laugh, and he chuckles as well. Again, Ashton looks pissed, so I just stop laughing and try to keep the peace. I wonder what's gotten up his ass...

After some friendly conversation, Dr. McCorry finally tells us what's up with Kat. He says, "So, I've performed the physical, and she seems well. I don't believe that anything is seriously wrong, or that she has sown sort of medical condition, but the next time she has another episode of this sort, you need to give her one of these pills," he hands me a small pill bottle with maybe 15 pills in it, "and then bring her directly here so we can check up on her again. We want to make sure that her condition does not worsen, and become threatening to her health." I nod and say, "So can we go and visit her?" He replies, "Only one of you can go." I look to the boys and they all give me understanding looks. I look to them gratefully, and say "I'll go." The boys all sit down, and I follow Dr. McCorry down the hallway to Kat's room.

We walk in silence for a while, and then stop outside of Room 257. We enter the room, and I see a very pale Kat lying on a bed. I rush over to her and embrace her. "Oh my God, I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried!!! How do you feel?!" I feel her chuckle beneath me, probably amused at my behavior. She often tells me that I act like her mother sometimes, but I don't think she minds. She replies, "Don't worry, I'm okay. Dr. McCorry has made sure of that. I'm just kind of upset that I didn't get to meet the band, but I'll be okay." Without meaning to, I start to laugh really hard, and the more I try to stop, the harder I laugh. She seems somewhat confused, and so does the doctor. I run over to the doctor and whisper "Can I go and get the guys from the waiting room? They're the ones she's on about, and it will make her day. Pleeeeeeeaaaaassssseeeee??!!" He nods and I say, "Yay, thank you so much, do me a favor and don't say anything?" He nods again, and I run back over to Kat and say, "I'm gonna go and get you some water, I'll be right back." She nods, but doesn't seem to be paying too much attention to what I am saying. She seems to be looking at.... Dr. McCorry? Oooooooo someone has a crushhhhhhh!!!!!!! I smirk as I realize that he is looking back at her, and I can feel the tension. I decide that I will be best to leave them alone for a few minutes, and then I make my way out the door and back to the waiting room.

The boys look surprised to see me back without Kat, and so I quickly explain the situation. "Listen, so Kat was fairly disappointed that she didn't get to meet ye, and since you're here, I wanted to bring you guys to her room. She doesn't know yet though, so you might wanna prepare yourselves, because I'm not sure how she's gonna react." The boys look excited at the prospect of meeting a fan, and so we begin to walk back to her room, also making sure to pick up the water I had promised her on the way.

We get back to her room and I tell the boys to wait in the hallway. I go in and am surprised to see Kat and Dr. McCorry.... making out...? Um, okay then. I clear my throat and they spring apart, each looking guilty. I giggle, and say "I knew it!!!!" They both blush, and then I say, "Oh, hey, Kat, remember how you had said that you wanted to meet 5 Seconds of Summer?" She nods, confused. I just smile, turn to the door, and call, "Come on in, guys!" The boys walk in the door, and Kat looks like she might faint again. She says, "Is this real? Am I hallucinating?" I shake my head and say, "Jesus, I hope not, because that would mean that my four new friends are not actually here, and are not actually my friends." Her mouth drops open, and she says, "You have BEFRIENDED 5 Seconds of Summer?!" I nod and shrug, and the boys just wave to her and chorus, "Hi." She still seems to be in shock, but she waves back and says, Hey." We all chat for a bit, and then then the doctor asks me and the boys to leave so he can perform a few more tests on Kat, and then she will be free to leave. I say, "I'm not sure if I should leave you two alone, God only knows what'll happen!" They blush, and I see Calum standing in the corner, looking VERY pissed off. What is it with these boys?! I wonder if he has a crush on her... Mental note: Ask Calum about Kat. Dr. McCorry says, "We will be fine, thanks very much Kylie. I will send Kat to the waiting room when she's done, she will have to sign out, but then ye can leave." I smile and thank him, before pushing the boys out the door. I quickly wink at Kat, who smirks and winks back, and then I follow the boys back to the waiting room.

About 20 minutes later, I see Kat walk I into the room, looking flushed. I smirk and run over to her, giving her a hug. I put my mouth near her ear and say, "Did you get his number?" She chuckled and responds, "You damn well I did." I giggle and we break apart, smiling. She signs out, we collect the boys from the couch, and walk to the 5sos van that is currently parked in the hospital parking lot. We decide to go back to the arena, so that Kat and I can pick up the car. We also arrange for the boys to come over tomorrow afternoon to hang out. I exchange numbers with all of the boys, as does Kat, and then we all go our separate ways, Kat and I to our car, and the boys go back inside to do whatever they needed to do backstage. I don't know, boy stuff?

We get back to our flat, walk inside, and see Vicky curled up on the couch sobbing. We run over to her and I say, "OH MY GOD, WHATS WRONG, ARE YOU OKAY?!?!" I pull her into a hug, and she buries her head into my neck, still crying. I hear her sniffle and she says, "No, I'm not okay." After a few minutes, she manages to calm down enough to the point where she is able to speak. She takes a deep breath and says, "It all started right after you guys left for the concert..."

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