Vicky & Lucas

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I begin to walk up the stairs, wondering how Vicky will react to the idea of having one of our old friends back in our lives. Maybe it'll help her trust guys again...

I reach the top of the stairs, and walk down the hallway to get to Vicky's room. I knock, and hear her trembling voice call out, "Who is it?" I just say, "It's me." I hear footsteps, and the door opens. I go in and sit on her bed. I look at her. She looks awful. And I say this as her best friend; she looks like she was hit by a bus. The bruise on her face looks awful, and is no longer even partially hidden by her hair, because she has pulled her long blonde hair up into a bun. She's wearing an oversized O'Neill's sweatshirt that I brought her from Ireland, her biggest and most comfortable sweatpants (which have been dubbed the "bad stuff" pants because we all wear them when bad stuff happens), and her old hiking socks that she bought in the U.S. when we went on a trip there a couple of years ago. Her bed is covered in tissues and tissue boxes. I also see an ice cream tub and her laptop, which is open to Netflix (and is currently playing Gossip Girl, our guilty pleasure). I see more tissues and candy wrappers in her garbage can. I sigh because I know that there is nothing I can do to help. We just need to wait out the storm. It will pass in time, and we just need to wait. Even Vicky knows that, which is why, for now, she knows that it is probably best just to indulge herself to make herself feel better.

I look back to her, and say, "So how are you?" She looks dead into my eyes and says, "I feel like absolute shit." We both giggle a little at that statement before she continues speaking. She says, "The boys are still here, right? Why are you up here with me?" I fake a hurt expression and go, "Well, I just thought it would be nice of me to come up and say hi to my heartbroken friend, but if you don't want me here..." I sniffle and look away. She snorts and hits me over the head with her pillow, and says, "Yeah, yeah, how sweet, now what do you really want?" I smile and reply, "Okay, you caught me. I have exciting news. Do you know anything about that band that Kat likes? You know, the boys downstairs in our living room?" She shakes her head, so I continue, "What if I were to tell you that you know one of them very well? And that he doesn't realize that you're here? And that maybe I could bring him up to meet you...? And he could probably help you learn to trust guys again?" She looks skeptical, but she nods and says, "Well if you were to tell me that, I'd probably tell you to go and get him right now before I change my mind." I squeal, hug her, and run down the stairs back to the living room. When I get there, everyone is sitting on the couches talking about who would win in an arm wrestle; Hermione Granger or Katniss Everdeen? (Katniss would totally win) I grab Luke's shoulder, and lean down whispering, "Hey, come with me, there's someone who wants to see you." He looks kind of confused, but he gets up and follows me to the stairs anyway.

When we get to the top of the stairs, I stop him and say, "Okay, look, before I bring you in to see her, I want to tell you to be careful. She's recently been through some traumatic experiences, and she's a little nervous around guys. I won't tell you what happened, because that's up to her, but just please be careful." He nods and says, "Of course." We then proceed to walk down the hallway to Vicky's room. I knock and hear "Come in!"

I open the door and walk into the room, with Luke behind me. Both of their eyes widen and they both exclaim "Vicky!" and "Lucas!" Luke scowls for a second when he hears this, but soon forgets about it and gets up to hug her. Although they weren't super good friends as kids, I was best friends with both of them, so they knew each other kind of well. And they know each other enough for Vicky to be able to trust him. I hope.

Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying reading the story so far, because it's really fun to write. I'll try and have another chapter up soon! Thanks for reading!

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