Shots & One-sided Conversations

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We pull up to the club, and step out of the cab. There's a line of people outside, but Kat knows the bouncer, and so we get in straight away. I immediately make a bee-line towards the bar, and order a shot of tequila. I swallow the liquid, and it burns my throat. I need to forget about Ben, so I order three more shots. I quickly down them, and the scene begins to get blurry. I could get used to this.

After I don't even know how many drinks later, everything is a complete blur. I've lost Kat and Vicky, and I'm dancing with some random guy. It's getting pretty heated. He's got his hands on my hips, and I'm grinding on his crotch. I turn to face him, and we lock lips. I wrap my hands into his hair and tug. He lets out a moan, and continues the kiss. After a few minutes of making out, he breaks the kiss and latches his lips on to my neck, sucking hard. It's my turn to moan now, and the fact that I am clearly coming undone seems to please him.

I feel him move his lips up to my ear. "Let's take this somewhere else." he says. I nod, and take him by the hand. We stagger outside, and jump into one of the many cabs waiting outside. He dictates the directions to his flat to the cab driver, and then pounces on me, crashing his lips onto mine. We barely even come up for air during the entire drive.

The car pulls up outside an extremely luxurious building, and I stare in shock. "Nice place." I mutter. He just winks at me. He takes my hand, and pulls me out of the car, up the pathway, and into the building. He then dragged me up the stairs. As he fumbles for his keys, I take a moment to look around. The hallway is exquisite. There are beautiful paintings on the wall. I recognize some of them from the art class I took in high school. They were probably recreations, but in this type of building, I guess they could be real.....

I'm snapped out of my train of thought when I hear a click, and the door opens. The guy flicks on the light, and turns to face me. He says "I never even caught your name." When I didn't reply, he smirks and tries again, "If we're gonna do this, I might as well know your name." I look into his eyes and grin. "Kylie. My name's Kylie. And you?" He looks surprised. It's almost as though he thinks I should already know his name. But I don't. So..... oh well. He gets over his confusion and says "Ashton." And then he advances and attaches his lips to my own.

He leads me down a hallway to what I assume is his room. I don't really know though, because I'm a little distracted. Life's so much easier when you're this drunk. But anyway, we quickly do away with our clothes, and well, I'm sure you know what happens next. Oops;)

Bu the time we lie back down onto the bed, I've done unimaginable things with this strange boy. Things I never even would've done with Ben.

I close my eyes and try to fall asleep. I'm barely conscious when I hear him whisper in my ear, "I really like you Kylie. You probably thought I was drunk tonight, but truthfully, I'm not. I really enjoyed talking to you tonight, and you seem really nice. You won't remember this little one-sided conversation tomorrow, and if I ever get the chance, I will tell you this when you're sober and not falling asleep. Anyway, I do know you're asleep, but I just wanted to tell you. Night." He places a kiss on the back of my neck. That's so sweet. Everything around me faded away, and I slip out of consciousness, and into a deep sleep.

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