Feelings & Confessions

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I open the door and walk into the room, with Luke behind me. Both of their eyes widen and they both exclaim "Vicky!" and "Lucas!" Luke scowls for a second when he hears this, but soon forgets about it and gets up to hug her. Although they weren't super good friends as kids, I was best friends with both of them, so they knew each other kind of well. And they know each other enough for Vicky to be able to trust him. I hope.

They start up a conversation, and I slip out the door and walk back downstairs. I wander back into the living room, and I'm just about to sit down when Ashton grabs my arm and motions towards the door. I nod, and we exit the rook together after he mutters some excuse about how I was helping him find the bathroom. I lead him into the kitchen, grab a bottle of water and offer him one. He nods and I toss it to him. I hop up on the counter, take a sip from my bottle and say, "So what's up? Did you need to talk about something?" He takes a sip of water and replies, "Yeah, actually, I did need to talk to you about something. You see, there's this girl that I really like. I haven't known her that long, but I just feel like we have this connection, you know? I want to tell her I like her, but I'm not sure if it's too soon... So I wanted to get your opinion. What do you think? Should I tell her how I feel?" I pause before answering. I like him, and I thought he liked me, but he most likely isn't talking about me. Why would he come to me for advice on how to ask me out? That wouldn't make sense. But who else would he be talking about. Oh well, I'll just give him my honest opinion and see where this goes...

"You should tell her. Even if she doesn't feel the same way, it's best that she knows how you feel. But she'd be stupid not to feel the same way, you're amazing. She's really lucky. If you like her she must be really special, and I can't wait to meet her." I force a smile, trying not to show how much it killed me to say that. He smirks, which just makes me more confused. He chuckles and says, "I think you might already know her." I gasp and say, "Oh my God! Is it Kat?! Because I think Calum has his eye on her even though I think she might like that doctor guy." He laughs again and says, "I'm glad that I'm not the only one who noticed how Calum has been acting. But anyway, no, it isn't Kat. I can't believe you don't know who I'm talking about!" I must look utterly confused because he comes to stand directly in front of where I'm perched on the counter, puts his hands on my shoulders and says, "It's you, Kylie, I like you!" I blush, embarrassed that I didn't catch on sooner, and then I say, "Well, Ashton, I like you too." He smiles and says, "Well that's fantastic, because it means that you won't mind if I do this." And then he leans in and kisses me deeply. I smile into the kiss before breaking it a hugging him. He lifts me off of the counter top, and keeps his hands under my thighs, supporting me.

He pecks my lips one more time and says, "Well, Kylie, would you like to go on a date with me?" I smirk and say, "No." He looks taken back, and goes, "What?! Why?!" I giggle and say, "Because you didn't say please!" He rolls his eyes but goes, "Okay then. Kylie, will you please go on a date with me?" I smile and say, "Well of course Ashton, I would love to go on a date with you!" He puts me down, and I immediately hug him again. I can't wait for our date!!!! When is it though? I'm just about to ask, but it seems as though he almost a reads my mind because he says, "How about I'll pick you up tonight at 7:30?" I grin and nod. "What should I wear?" I say. He thinks for a minute and says, "Where something that's kind of causal. Just like, something you would wear on and everyday basis." I nod and say, "Okay, cool. But that means I'm gonna have to kick you and the boys out so that Kat and Vicky can help me ready myself." He laughs and says, "Alright. I'll go get the boys now. See you later, babe." I blush and he leans down to peck my cheek. He then turns and walks out of the kitchen, and I hear him in the other room telling the boys that they need to leave.

I wait until I hear the door shut, and then let out a squeal and run into the living room. I explain the situation to Kat, and then look at the clock. It's 5:00. Okay, we can do this. I run upstairs to Vicky's room, and realize that Luke is still here. I guess that Ashton realized that too, because I get a text from him at that exact moment asking if Luke was still here. I reply and tell him not to go anywhere, and that I will send Luke out to the car. He agrees to wait, and I quickly explain everything to Luke and Vicky before politely pushing Luke out of the room.

I look at the time on my phone. It's 5:10. I only have a little over two hours to get ready for my date with this insanely hot guy that I think I really like. Great.

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