Police & A Possibly Cancelled Date

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"The police are on their way." I hug him and whisper in his ear, "Thank you so much. You saved me." He kisses my cheek and then says, "Anytime princess. Anytime."

He pulls away from the hug and says, "Okay, go upstairs and relax, we'll go on the date another time okay?" I give him a look and say, "Yeah, okay, that's funny, but no. I'm fine we can still go!" He sighs and shakes his head. He says, "No, you were almost just raped. You need rest. We will do it another time, I promise." He leans down and kisses my forehead. I pout and say, "I'm fine. I wanna go. Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaassssssseee?" The doorbell rings, the girls walk into the living room, and Ashton looks relieved when I go to answer the door. I put my hand on the knob, but before I open it, I turn to him, glare, and say, "We will continue this conversation later. K?" He gulps and nods. I'm so gonna win this.

I open the door to see 4 cops. I step aside to let them enter the flat. I bring them into the living room where Kat, Vicky, and Ashton are currently waiting, along with Ben's unconscious body. One cop starts to look around, just to make sure that everything seems okay. The other three police officers go over to where Ben is lying on the ground. One of them handcuffs him, and the other two help to lift him up. All three of them carry him out to their car. The other cop finally comes over to where the girls, Ashton, and I are standing. He says, "I'm Officer Jacobs. Are all of you okay?" We nod and he continues, "We are going to take him back to the station for questioning. If we believe that there is enough evidence, there are two options. The first is that we'll take it to court. If this happens, we will notify you of the date that we will need you to be present so that you can testify against Mr. Green. The other option is that he will completely admit to what he did, and so we will be able to assign him his sentence without needing you to be present in a court of law. Any questions?" We all shake our heads. Officer Jacobs looks around the flat one last time before thanking us for cooperating and leaving.

Ashton comes over to me and tries to wrap his arms around my waist. I jump away and say, "No, no, no, I'm not done talking to you yet." I see Kat and Vicky start to get uncomfortable, and Vicky says, "Hey, Kat, I think that show that we like but that Kylie doesn't like is playing right now. We should go upstairs and watch it." Kat seems to catch on, and she says, "Oh, yeah, we should go watch it. Upstairs. So, uh, bye guys!" They both wave and then take off up the stairs. I look at Ashton and we both start laughing. And then I remember that I'm mad at him, so I stop laughing and say, "No. I'm still pissed at you. I really want to go out with you tonight. I've been looking foward to it, and I know you think I need to rest after this, but honestly, all I need to do is get my mind off of it for a bit. Pleeeeeaaaaassssseeeeee Ashy?" I give him my best puppy dog expression, and I can see that he's gonna cave. He sighs and says, "Fine, I guess we can still go...." I squeal and hug him, before pulling away and leaning up to peck his lips. I can tell he wants more, as he starts to lean in again, but I jump away and run over to grab my purse from off of the ground. I walk over to the door, and stand there waiting.

I turn around to see him still standing there with a sad look on his face. I giggle and say, "C'mon, you coming or what?" He breaks out into a grin and jogs over to where I stand. He grabs my hand and leads me out the door. I let him go get his car while I lock the door. I also send a quick text to each of the girls just letting them know that I'm going out, and not to wait up. I press 'send' and he pulls up. I walk over, and am about to get in when he opens his door and runs around to the passenger side. I'm a little confused, but then he opens the door for me. I blush. No ones ever done this for me before. I peck him on the cheek and thank him before getting in to his (really nice) car.

He begins to drive, and after a few minutes of just listening to the radio, I turn to him and say, "So, where exactly are me going?" He smirks and says, "It's a surprise." I groan and say, "Can you please tell me?!" He chuckles and replies, "Well, I would, but if I did, it wouldn't be surprise, now would it?" I sigh in defeat, and reach out to turn up the radio. I smile when I realize that my current favorite song, The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy, is playing. Ashton and I both say at the same time, "I love this song." We laugh and look at each other, before I smack his arm and tell him to pay attention to the road. He continues to watch where he's going while we both sing along to the song.

You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down
Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground
We are the jack-o-lanterns in July
Setting fire to the sky
Here comes this rising tide

So come on,
Put on your war paint

Cross walks,
And crossed hearts,
And hope to dies,
Silver clouds with grey lining

So we can take the world back from a heart attack
One maniac at a time we will take it back
You know time crawls on while you're waiting for the song to start
So dance alone to the beat of your heart

Hey, young blood,
Doesn't it feel, like our time is running out?
I'm gonna change you like a remix
Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

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