Chapter 4: ALL My Love

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Please excuse ANY errors.

October 13, 1998

~Elijah's P.O.V~

"YOU Darius?" My dad said taken aback. "That's a black man's name."

This nigga! Darius and I are no longer a thing. He was too afraid of who he was and didn't want to be seen with me. He wasn't living entirely on his truth. I didn't like any of that, so I dropped him like a bad habit.

"Dad, this is Máximo. Máximo, this is dad." I smiled.

"Hello, Máximo." My dad shook his hand. "Call me Woodrow."

"Who's that?" Máximo ask.

I rolled my eyes, "My dad's wife."

"Hello to you too, Elijah. Nice to meet you, Máximo. I'm Diane." She shook Máximo's hand.

This is the first time that I have introduced ANY of my boyfriends to my dad. I have one but I'm talking past relationships. He has met one on accident when he came home from work early one day and caught me and some other guy doing things. My dad is old school and is still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that I'm gay.

The slurs and verbal abuse have stopped but he's still adjusting. Diane is his new wife. This is the FIRST person he has ever been with and shown around since I was born. They've been together for approximately three years now and married for two.

Why don't I like her? She made my dad throw EVERYTHING of my mother's in the trash. When I had asked her why she did it, she responded with an out of sight out of mind. Why would she do that KNOWING I have NEVER met my mother and all things that reminded me of my mother are gone! All I have is a tiny locket that my dad gifted me for my eighth birthday.

I will say that she has helped my father come around to my sexuality. I didn't want to abandon him but I was done with him at one point in my life. Eventually, we hashed it out with the acceptance of a few things. Those things were major, but we worked through them as time passed. After all, it's just the two of us. All he has is me. I have him, my sister Tia and my friends. Diane also did help him become more lively.

I just will NEVER forgive Diane for throwing all of my mother's things away. It's a fucked up thing to do. Other than that, she's okay. Diane rubbed her stomach. Too many old folks are getting pregnant. I was laughing at DeVanté just for my dad to his new wife pregnant. We all sat down at the restaurant table. Máximo pulled out my chair.

"So..." I trailed off as we all sat comfortably in our chairs.

"So, how did y'all meet?" My dad asked us.

"We met in Atlanta where we live," I spoke up.

"How?" Diane asked us.

"My fashion show that neither of you attended." I smiled, picking up my menu.

"We had things to take care of." My dad replied. "Elijah, we told you."

"What were those things? You never explained. It just sounded like an excuse to miss it. You missed my VERY FIRST one AND the one this year. The first one, we weren't on the best of terms, BUT I would still show up to my child's important moments." My left eyebrow rose higher and higher as I spoke.

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