Chapter 10: Parents Meet Parents

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Please excuse ANY errors.

November 26, 1998

~Daryl's P.O.V~

"This is Tia." DeVanté introduced my daughter.

"Hello," Tia spoke nervously and shook her hand. "Happy Thanksgiving."

She meets new people almost daily and still acts like this. She's also not in a professional setting, so maybe that's why.

"These are her parents, LaZardia and Daryl Toussaint." DeVanté introduced and we shook her hand.

DeVanté pointed to Yasir. "Here's the human Pillsbury Doughboy-"

"Yasir, Her brother." Yasir introduced himself, cutting DeVanté's joke off while shaking DeVanté mother's hand.

I chuckled under my breath because this man is looking like Pillsbury Doughboy. He was like this when I first met him, but he got in shape by going to the gym and that's when he met Ashari. Now, I'm sure that's he's been eating fast food and let himself go because he's probably going through the depression stage of the breakup situation... It happens sometimes, but DAMN!

"And his kids, Masir and Asiri." DeVanté introduced.

"HI!" Masir said from below with a jump.

"Hello." The lady replied.

"And I'm Donald. Donald DeGrate Junior." DeVanté said shaking the elderly lady's hand. His mother? Possibly an aunt?

"Boy if you don't get over here, you better!" She said pulling into a hug. "I know you haven't seen me in a while, but you don't greet your grandmama like that." She said laughing.

Ahh, his grandmother! She doesn't look that old, but I could tell that she's older than myself and my wife. Why DeVanté ain't tell us who she is when he told her who we were? I'm guessing DeVanté don't know how to introduce people

"I'm just playing, grandma." He said once they pulled away. "Y'all this is my grandmama."

"I got that NOW," I told him.

"Yeah, my bad for that." DeVanté apologized.

"Come on in, don't let all my air out." His grandmother laughed, ushering us inside.

We walked inside and the HEAT hit us like a ton of bricks. I don't feel no damn air! It's hot as hell in this motherfucker! What air? Does she REALLY call this air!? I feel like I'm about to pass the fuck out!

"Junior!" A lady said, walking fast in our direction.

"Hey mama and pops," DeVanté said meeting them halfway and hugging the both of them.

"Hi, sweetie." His mother said hugging Tia.

"Hello." My daughter replied, hugging her back.

After Tia and DeVanté pulled away from the hugs of his parents, his parents acknowledged us with a welcoming look. They did greet us when they opened the door. His mother then cleared her throat.

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