Chapter 42: A Ladies Lady

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Please excuse ANY errors.

January 2, 1999

~Ashari's P.O.V~

"Can y'all watch the kids today?" I asked my children's grandparents.


"Where are you going and how long will you be gone?" LaZardia asked me, cutting off her husband.

"I'm just going to hang out," I replied.

"With my daughter?" She questioned and I just squinted at her.

"I'm guessing if that was true, your answer would be no, right?" I asked her and she just gave me a look. "Come on," I grabbed Masir's hand because he followed me to where his grandparents are.

"Why would you say that? You mad at Tia, that fine, but to say you won't watch our grandchildren because of it ain't right," I heard Daryl say to his wife.

"Look, I raised my kids. I love my grandbabies, but I'm on vacation too. If she wants to hang out with people, like my daughter, then she can go on her own time," she replied to be him.

It's funny how they'd watch my kids when Yasir asked them even though he's sitting on his ass 99% of the time that they are babysitting.

"I go see TT!?" Masir asked me all excited.

"Yes, Masir," I replied walking into my bedroom to wake up Asiri. I let go of Masir's hand and ran to Asiri who was trying to climb off of the bed. "Girl, what are you doin'?" I asked her as if she was going to respond.

Masir laughed, "Siri just baby, mama."

"I know that she's just a baby, Masir," I mocked, sitting my baby girl in my lap.

"We see TT and Daddy?" He asked sitting down on the floor in front of me.

"No, just TT, Masir," I replied. "Look, I don't want you to be sad about not seeing Daddy, but it probably won't be a while until you do see him again," I explained to him very hopeful that he would understand.

He jumped up and ran to play with some of his toys that had been left in my bedroom. While he did that, I changed Asiri's diaper and then had to wrestle her down to get her dressed. She and Masir already took a bath before bed, so I don't have to worry about that.

Shit has been harder since DeVanté and Tia left the house because they really do help me a lot. Masir seems to HATE Dalvin and he's been the most help. Why? His dad probably has something to do with that. Masir called Dalvin a fat-faced Grinch to his face in so many words. My children's grandparents have been having fun. I don't blame them because it's a vacation. Though Dalvin and Maria are helpful, I don't know them enough to be fully trusting of them with my children.

"Mommy, hurry up!" Masir said rushing me as I continued to wrestle with his sister.

"Aye, boy..." I trailed off with a warning and his lips twisted off to the side of his face.

I swear that both of my children got that twisting lip shit from their auntie because me and their dad don't do that. He does it out of boredom and he's been playing with those same toys for a while. My God, this shit is hard as fuck. I NEVER imagined myself as a single mother.

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