Chapter 1

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Alessia in her room painting a new picture. All day she has tried to get her parents attention to show them her painting but they ignored her and sent her to her room.

Meanwhile with Hope it's yes or come on princess let's go. They never gave Alessia the time of day or any affection. Their always giving it to Hope and never her.

"Mom." She heard from her room. "Yes Hope." She heard her mother answer her sister. "Can we go out together have a day to ourselves just you and me." Hope asked her. "Sure let's go do it right now."

Hayley told Hope. They didn't know Alessia can hear everyone from her room. Alessia sighed and placed the paint brush down and walked downstairs but nobody noticed her so she went outside.

She started walking when she bumped into a girl a red to be specific. "Sorry." Alessia told her locking eyes with each other. "It's ok." The girl told her and Alessia kept looking back. "I'm gonna go nice meeting you." Alessia said before running off.

"My names Lydia." She yelled after her hoping she heard her. She went back to the pack but her mind kept drifting to the redhead she bumped into.

Alessia ran into Josh's apartment all happy. Her name is Lydia she thought to herself as she keeps replaying that moment in her mind. "What gots you all happy." Josh asked her. "I think I'm in love." Alessia told him making him laugh at her.

"Oh yeah with who." He asked her. "A girl named Lydia she was beautiful." Alessia told him going back to that moment. "Right then Romeo come and sit down." He told her laughing.

She went and sat down next to him. "So what's up." He told her. "The same as usual ignored by them what's up with you and Aiden." Alessia said wiggling her eyebrows. "Nothing yet but I do on planning on asking him out tomorrow with your help of course."

Josh told her. "Good to know." She told him. "So tell me about this mystery girl." He asked her. Josh was the first one to know about Alessia liking girls he helped her with her first crush and helped her when she got her heart broken by the girl.

"We'll when I was running off she yelled her name her name is Lydia ain't it beautiful just like her." She said falling onto the couch her back hitting the cushion. "You like her don't you." Josh asked her smiling.

"Yes yes I do she's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." Alessia said smiling to herself. "Wow I'm glad you like someone." He told her she hasn't dated anyone since her first heartbreak.

Lydia's mind kept drifting back to the mysterious girl that bumped into her that day. The entire way back to Beacon Hills her mind would drift back to the mysterious girl. The pack has noticed Lydia's being distracted that entire day.

"Lydia you been distracted all day what's going on." Stiles asked her getting her attention. "Nothing Stiles don't worry about it." Lydia said trying to forget about her.

First Chapter of the book ahhh also my homecoming is next week so excited.

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