Chapter 14

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Time skip

It's currently 7 in the morning and everyone is running around through the Barnes house. Lily is getting Alessia ready for the wedding because she told her she'll help her.

Lydia is at the Scott's house as Allison and the others help her get ready. "Mom can't I just go see her." She asked Lily. "No it's bad luck." Lily told finishing her hair. "Luv come on it's your wedding day so you'll see her later."

Lily told her passing her the dress. "Go put it on." She told her as she got up and did what she was told. "Darling hurry your dad is waiting for us at the venue." Lily told her as she took her time putting the dress on.

She walked out with it on and Lily stared at her. "What do you not like it-I love it you look amazing." Lily told her trying not to cry. "Don't cry mom cause if you cry I'm gonna cry." Alessia told her.

She cleared her throat and grabbed her bag. "I won't let's go." She told her as they both left the house and went to the venue where everyone was at. The dress was an all white after some convincing from Lydia. She wanted to wear a red one but Lydia didn't think that would be appropriate.

It had flower lacing all along it. It was the type that hugs your curves. She walked into a room where Ben was. "So how do I look." She asked getting his attention. "Twirl." He told her and she did. "You look beautiful." He said kissing her head. "Thanks dad." She told him.

Lydia and the others shortly arrived after Alessia and Lily.

"Let's get this wedding started shall we." Ben said holding his hand out. "Of course we shall dad." She grabbed the flowers as the two of them started to walk down the aisle. "You look amazing don't worry she'll love it." He whispered to her.

They stood in-front of the Derek as she stepped up one letting go of Bens arm as he went to go sit down. Shortly after the bridesmaids came out. It was Allison Malia and Kira and for Alessia it was Josh Evan and Theo.

Lydia started to walk down the aisle as she watched her. "Take care of her." Her dad said to her as Alessia grabbed her hand. "I will." She told him before he sat back down. "You look hot." She told Lydia making Derek laugh.

Lydia decided last minute she wanted to wear a feminine suit. "Right shall we get started." Derek said looking at them as they nodded their heads. "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to welcome to new love birds here with us right now." Derek said as Lydia and Alessia stared at me.

"He doesn't know what he's doing does he." Alessia whispered to her. "Not a clue." Lydia told her. "Derek skip that part." Alessia said to him. "Right we'll do you two have any vows." He asked them.

"Lydia you go first." Alessia told her as she shook her head as everyone just laughed. "We'll when I first met you I knew I was going to make you mine someway even if it meant going back their just to see you once more. I never believed in love at first sight till I met you, you make me question everything in life and hell that scares me sometimes but it also makes feel alive. You make me question myself why I'm still with you sometimes and you say the stupidest things."

Lydia told her. "I'd rather not be here if it wasn't with you. Your my person I want to spend the rest of my life with and grow old with. I'm with you till the very end." Lydia said trying not to cry. "Alessia." Derek said. "Right Lydia was right I do make her question why she's with me and the things I say are stupid most of the time. Lydia your the only person who could bring me down to my knees nobody else could.

You fought behind me every step of the way you were their for me through it all and I proud to be calling you my wife after this." She said making them laugh.

"Do you Alessia Amara Barnes take Lydia to be your partner in sickness and in health for sicker or for poorer." "I do." She said smiling at her. "Do you Lydia Marie Martin take Alessia to be your partner through sickness and through health for sicker or for poor." "I do."

"We'll by the power vest in me I now pronounce-Alessia pulled Lydia into a kiss not letting him finish. "Wife and Wife." He said finishing it while everyone cheered. "I love you." Alessia said as she pulled away. "And i love you more." Lydia told her holding her hand.

They went to the party and started to do the first dance. "Did you mean what you said in your vows." Lydia asked her. "I meant it luv I'd burn the world for you if that's what you want." Alessia told her twirling her around as they danced.

"So glad to be able to call you my wife now." Lydia told her smiling. "Me too." She told her leaning down to kiss her.

As the party went on it was now time for the cake. They both have a piece of cake on the forks going to eat but Alessia took Lydia's piece of cake giving hers to Lydia. "Your annoying sometimes." Lydia told her wiping her lips. "But you love me." Alessia told her.

"That I do." She told her kissing her cheek. "I'm gonna get drinks." Lydia said as she walked off. "Congratulations Alex." She heard Josh say as she turned around. "Thanks Josh I mean it. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have been here and it was all possible thanks to you." She told him hugging him.

"No Alex you did that on your own you didn't give up and I'm proud of you." He told her as she watched Lydia. "See you in a few weeks and make sure the place is cleared out don't want nobody their till we're settled in got it." She told him. "I've got you Alex calm down and enjoy your wedding." He told her kissing the side of her head.

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