Chapter 16

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Everyone was in the living room when Freya walked in and everyone looked at her. "Yes sister." Elijah said putting the newspaper down. "I've did it I finally found a way to find Alessia." She said as everyone stood up.

"We'll then get started." Klaus said as they all linked hands and Freya chanted. They we're in a white hall filled with doors. "Her memories if we go threw them we can find her." Freya said as Kol started to walk around and opened the door.

They all got sucked in and everyone stared at Kol. "Warn us next time." Rebekah told him.

(Hope=Alessia and the Dreed doctors is malivore)

They all stared their in shock. "Wow she's big now." Hayley said. "Barnes why does that name sound familiar." Rebekah asked. "I don't know but let's move on." Freya said as she picked a door.


"They lovers?" Hope asked. "Maybe by the sound and looks of it I think they are." Rebekah told them. "Let's move on shall we." Klaus said in a hurry as he opened a door.

(Josh is Elijah and as she got older Josh is Klaus.)
"Was that Cami." Hope asked. "Yeah it was." Kol said. "Your wife killed my daughter." Hayley told Kol. "Drop it Hayley she's alive as you can tell not leave it be." Kol told her. "We missed all of her life due to our selfishness." Rebekah said looking down. "But we'll make it up and she'll come home." Hope told them. She walked over and opened a door.


They stared their not daring to say a word. "Should we be happy or concerned." Hayley said. "I say happy." Klaus said with a big smile. "Next one." Rebekah said picking a door.


"She's been here the whole time." Hope said in disbelief. "Or maybe it was like a visit and she left." Kol said as they stared at him. "Just saying." He said raising his hands in surrender. "Ok maybe she isn't let's move on." Freya said as Elijah picked a door.


"She's crazy." Hope said before anyone spoke. "Hope that's your sister be nice." Hayley said. "Mom did you not just see that." Hope said pointing to the door. "Yes we did and it's good she knows self defense." Elijah said as Hayley picked a door.

(Alex=Alessia Kelly=Lydia.)

"She has a daughter." Hayley said smiling. "We have a granddaughter." Klaus said smiling as everyone did. "Right as you see that house it's here in New Orleans so she's down the street let's go see her." Freya said taking them all out of the white hall.

"Later we must get ready and all." Rebekah said as everyone agreed and walked off to get ready. Hayley was happy her daughter was finally coming back home. Klaus couldn't stop smiling as he saw his granddaughter.

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