Chapter 6

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Alessia got ready for her date with Lydia she is suppose to pick her up so Ben is letting her use the car. "Ah you look so beautiful." Lily said as she walked downstairs. "Thank you mom where's dad." Alessia asked.

"Right in the kitchen." Lily told her and she walked into the kitchen. "How do I look." Alessia asked him and he turned around to look. "You look beautiful." Ben said to her. "Thanks dad." Alessia told him.

"Right I've gotta go don't want to make her wait." Alessia said grabbing the keys and kissing his cheek and walking into the living room. "Mom I gotta go bye love you." She said walking out the house. "Love you too." She heard Lily shout out after her.

Alessia got in the car and drove to Lydia's house. She got out of the car and knocked on the door and it was opened up by Lydia herself. "Oh you look just a wow." Alessia saw awe struck. "You look beautiful Alessia." Lydia told her walking out the house and closing the door.

"Thank you and call me Alex or whatever you prefer and you look absolutely amazing." Alessia told her taking her hand and leading her to the car. "Thank you." Lydia told her. Alessia opened the car door for her and Lydia sat down and Alessia closed the door for her and went to the drivers side and took her to a private location.

"Where are we going." Lydia asked her. "Somewhere it's a surprise for you." Alessia told her and Lydia took one of her hand and held it. They arrived to wherever Alessia took them and started to walk into the woods.

Alessia uncovered her eyes and Lydia stared at it in awe. "Lex you didn't have to." Lydia told her. "Only the best for you." She told her pulled her down to the ground next to her. Alessia set up and picnic out in the woods with candles and Lydia's favorite food.

"Lex this really is to much." Lydia told her sitting on the floor. "Lydia don't worry about it it's never to much especially for you." Alessia told her. "Beside I got you all of your favorite food." Alessia said grabbing a strawberry. "How'd you know my favorite food." Lydia asked her.

"Asked Allison and she really helped with this." Alessia said. "We'll thank you for this." Lydia told her. "No need to thank me this how our other dates will be like but more extra each time." Alessia said making Lydia blush. "Other dates?" Lydia told her. "Yeah unless you don't-of course I do I was messing with you."

Lydia told her cutting her off. "Oh thank god thought you-Lydia cut her off again by kissing her which she returned the kiss. "Just shut up already and lets eat." Lydia said pulling away with a small laugh. Alessia blushed when she pulled away.

"Y-Yeah." She told her getting another strawberry.

Super short sorry

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