Chapter 8

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It's the next day and Alessia got ready for school and went downstairs. "Morning mom morning dad." Alessia said taking one of Bens toast. "Morning Luv how you feeling." Lily asked noticing she took his toast.

Ben hasn't noticed that she took his toast. "Alright." "Alex how about after school I take you out." Ben said looking at her. "Sure." She said taking a bite when he went to reach for his toast it wasn't their. Alessia and Lily tried to hide their giggles.

"Dad you ok." Alessia asked him. "Yeah I'm fine I must head out now but I'll pick you up." Ben told her kissing her head as he got up. "Got it so I'm assuming mom is dropping me off then." Alessia asked. "Yes I am." Lily said kissing Bens cheek.

"Bye luvs Alex listen to your mom." Ben said kissing both of their heads before walking out. "Bye." They both said as he closed the door. "Mom." Alessia said. "Yeah what's up." Lily told her. "Ready for school." "Let's go then." They both walked out the house and went to the school.

"Bye mom love you." Alessia said giving her a hug. "Bye Luv see you at home." Lily said as she got out the car and closed the door. Alessia started to walk towards the school doors and Lily drove off. She sighed and opened the door walking to her locker.

She opened it and grabbed a text book. "Hey how'd it go." Allison asked leaning against the lockers. "Ask Lydia." She said slamming it and walking off going to her class. Allison stood their frozen for a minute at her outburst before snapping out of it.

She walked over the the pack and saw Lydia. "How'd it go Lydia." Allison asked her. "How'd what go?" Lydia asked confused. "With Alessia obviously." Allison told her. "She did go over to your house yesterday." Allison said giving her another hint.

"No she didn't and why would she." Lydia said. "Yeah she did and to ask you to be her girlfriend." Allison said in a duh tone. "We'll it never happened." Lydia told her and Allison's smile dropped.

"What do you mean it didn't happen I helped her plan it out." Allison said. "Yeah it never happened." Lydia said looking at her. "We have to head to class." Kira said and they nodded and went to class. Usually Alessia sits next to Lydia but she wasn't she was sitting next to Addison Whitemore.

"Why is she sitting next to Whitemore." Lydia said looking at her. They shrugged their shoulders. They saw them both being very touchy with each other and flirting with each other. The teacher wasn't even in the classroom yet so nobody was really paying attention to the front of the room.

The pack watched Alessia and Addison listening into their conversation well not really they weren't even whispering more like talking like normal. "So what you doing after school." Alessia asked trying to get Lydia off her mind. "Nothing anymore." Addison said smiling at her.

"Good cause when I'm done with my dad I'll head over to your house then." Alessia said and Lydia's heart sunk hearing that. "R-Really." Addison said shocked. "Yeah unless-no No it's fine I'll send you my address-She got cut off by Lydia dragging Alessia out of the classroom.

"What the hell." Alessia said getting out of her grip. "What the hell was that." Lydia told her. "We'll flirting duh." Alessia told her not really looking at her. "What's gotten into you." Lydia asked her. "Nothing's gotten into me Martin." Alessia told her.

"What do you mean nothing cause one minute you we're nice and now your rude what happened to what we had." Lydia told her. "Their was nothing between us it was a date that's all." She told her still not making eye contact.

Lydia was speechless hearing that. "Tell me what's wrong." Lydia told her grabbing her hand only for her to take it back. "Nothing Lydia go hang out with your boyfriend." Alessia said walking back into the classroom and Lydia didn't move from her spot.

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