Chapter 4

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The pack decided to go to Deaton to find more out more about Alessia. They walked in and closed and locked the doors so nobody can enter. "What's up." Deaton said looking at them.

"Alessia Barnes who is she." Derek said and Deaton looked at him confused. "Who?" He asked confused usually he knew a lot of things but this name didn't ring a name to him. "Alessia Barnes she's my neighbor her and her family just moved here."

Scott told him. "The Barnes don't have a daughter." Deaton told them and they stared at him. "Yes they do she goes to our school." Lydia told him not wanting to believe it. "Lily Barnes is a vampire and vampires can't procreate and Ben is a werewolf but they can't have kids."

"So who the hell is Alessia Barnes then." Stiles asked. "What species you said she was." Deaton asked. "Tribrid." Liam told him. "Theirs only one tribrid in the world and that's Hope Mikelson and this is Hope." He said showing them a picture of Hope.

"We'll that's not Alessia because Alessia isn't a brunette she's a red head." Lydia told him. "Unless they had another daughter they didn't tell anyone about." Deaton said. "It could explain it." Kira told them all. "Alessia Amara Mikelson daughter of Klaus Mikelson and Hayley Marshall twin sister to Hope Mikelson undiscovered by the world and hidden from the world."

Deaton told them looking up from the computer. "How'd you find that out." Scott asked him. "That can explain why she's a tribrid because you only become a tribrid if your from the Mikelson blood line and Klaus Mikelson is the only person who can procreate because he's a hybrid."

Deaton told them. "So why would she go by the name of Alessia Barnes then." Allison asked him. "Maybe ignored by her family and couldn't take it anymore and ran away." Isaac told them remembering that one time he got his body possessed before going to Beacon Hills.

"What makes you say that." Malia asked him. "You search her name up it doesn't pop up so they either abused her or never loved her for her to run away-what if they did both." Lydia asked them. "That could be a possibility." Deaton told them.

"Talk to her and see what you can find out." Derek told them. "Their shall be no problem with that right Lydia." Malia said. Lydia rolled her eyes at Malia.

Lily rushed home after hearing what happened in the woods. She ran in the house and saw Alessia cuddled up next to Ben she rushed to her side making sure she isn't injured. "I'm fine I'm ok." Alessia told her and Lily pulled her into a hug.

"I was so worried when Ben called me and told me." Lily told her. "I'm ok I got paranoid that's all." Alessia told her. "Alex you don't just get paranoid what happened." Lily asked her letting her lay back on Bens chest.

"I was on the phone and then felt someone listening in and hung up and went to the woods to clear my mind when someone shot a arrow filled with wolfsbane on it at me I looked and didn't see anyone and I got paranoid that's all." Alessia said telling them what happened.

"Alex you don't get paranoid unless something has happened to you before." Ben told her rubbing her back. "Alessia why we're you on that bus that day." Lily asked. "And don't lie to us." Ben told her. She told them everything and why she was in the bus that day.

"Why didn't you just tell me." Lily told her hugging her. "I was scared and didn't know what to do not even my best friend knew about me leaving and I tell him everything." Alessia told them.

"When did they start abusing you." Ben asked rubbing her back. "When I was 7 at first they would say sorry about it and take me out to get ice cream for them hitting me then as I grew up it was no more sorry's or ice cream it was your abomination or monster or I should just die." Alessia said and Ben shit his eyes hearing that Lily covered her mouth.

"That night I left Hope she saw me and said she was gonna go with and mom was gonna drive us I told her I was going to a friends house and when she walked off I ran to the bus right before it took off." Alessia said wiping her tears.

Meanwhile outside of the Barnes house was the pack watching them. "What do you think their talking about." Lydia asked seeing Alessia cry. "Can't you guys listen in." Allison asked them. "Tried we can't it's like she put a spell on the house." Scott told them.

"I don't want to go back to them." Alessia told them. "And your not your gonna stay here with us they won't get you as long as your with us your safe Alex." Lily said told her running her head. "You promise." Alessia asked them.

"We promise you Alex they won't harm you anymore." Ben told her. "And your not a monster or abomination you are non of that they lied to you your not those nasty things they called you if anything your beautiful sweet and caring who deserves to be treated like a princess not like a piece of garbage."

Ben told her as he wiped her tears away. He pulled her into a hug while she cried on him.

"Maybe she's not evil." Malia told them. Derek told them that she was evil and rude. "She's just broken just like the rest of us and she's probably gone through a lot worst then us." Malia told them and they all looked at her. "Why would Derek lie." Liam said.

"Guys maybe she's right I mean look at her right now she breaking down does that look evil to you." Lydia told them and they all saw her crying. "No it don't." Allison said. Alessia got up and told Lily and Ben something before walking out the house and walked into the woods. The pack went after her.

She was making a phone call. "Please pick up." She whispered to herself. The person picked up the phone.


The pack heard she had the phone on speaker. "Josh." Alessia said.

"Alex what's wrong."

"I-I really need you right now and I don't-hey hey slow down what happened." Josh said cutting her off. "Their coming back Josh and the paranoia is coming back it's all hitting me at once and I left-have you take your meds." Josh asked her.

"No I left them at the compound didn't realize that until the next day Josh I need you." "I'm on my way ok just stay on the phone." Josh told her. "How was your first day of school." He said trying to take her mind off it. "Alright made a friend." Alessia told him.

"What about that redhead what was her name Lydia."

"Yes her name is Lydia but I think she's not single so I don't know what to do right now." "Have you asked her." Josh asked chuckling a little. "No I was gonna at lunch but i chickened out." "Now that's not the Alex I know the Alex i know is brave and fearless-yeah and she also doesn't forget to take her meds but here we are." Alessia told him.

"Just ask her out." Josh told her making her laugh a little. "You think someone as hot as her will go out with me your crazy." "Alex your hot and I'm gay and if I can see that so can you just do it." "I don't like her anymore." She lied to him.

"I remember when you looked all over the city just for her thought you were crazy but it was love at first sight for you Alex and that type of love doesn't just go away and if she denies you then she just lost one beautiful crazy girl." Josh told her. Lydia smiled to herself hearing what Alessia was saying.

"Josh can I ask you something." Alessia told him. "Anything." "Um are they looking for me." Alessia asked him and he was not expecting that. "Yeah they are their all going crazy looking for you." Josh told her as she sat down near a tree.

"Why now do they care I mean all of my life they never did so what changed their mind to care about me I mean come on it was always about Hope but now that I left they want me-But they won't find you because your a powerful witch." Josh told her.

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