Chapter 12

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It's been three years now and Alessia and the pack are now graduating now. Alessia has been freaking out on what college to go to and what she wants to do. "Mom let's go we're gonna be late." Alessia said running down stairs with her heels in her hand.

Lily laughed as she ran out the house. Her and Ben both walked out the house and saw her sitting in the car waiting. They both got in and drove off. She ran out the car and over to where the others were at.

"Oh thank god their you are." Lydia said sighing in relief. "Yes I wouldn't miss it we're graduating." She said giving her a kiss. "Also happy anniversary." Alessia said giving her another kiss. "Yes happy anniversary my Luv." Lydia told her.

"Put your shoes on." Lydia told her and she did. "Their happy." Alessia told her. "Yes I am." Lydia told her. "Ready for your big speech." Allison asked her. Alessia got valedictorian. "No I'm not I didn't even write one I totally forgot about that." Alessia said.

"How do you forget to write your speech we've been reminding you all week." Lydia told her. "I was busy."

Yeah picking a ring out for Lydia.

"Doing-Never mind that just do your best." Lydia told her kissing her cheek as it was starting now. She stayed by Lydia's side until they called her up for her big speech that everyone was waiting for.

"Hello everyone thank you all for coming my name is Alessia Barnes but during my time here everyone called me Alex. Fudge-She said making the audience laugh.

"I didn't really write a speech so I'm just gonna wing this so bare with me." She told them earning another laugh from everyone. "When I first came to the school it was for only one reason and that reason was my girlfriend Lydia. I first met her in my hometown and looked for her everywhere till the point I gave up.

Then I moved here with my parents and found her again. When I moved here I was at my lowest point in life but then she helped me out of it without even knowing she did. Then I met her friends which are now mine as well I consider them family because they took me under their wing and helped me.

They became the family I needed and taught me more things than anyone ever had. This school is full of memories that we made. I um remember this one time we pranked Coach he wasn't happy about it but the detention was worth it. We put plastic wrap all around his car and while he was outside trying to get it off we were in his office in the locker rooms superglueing all his stuff onto the ceiling.

A week of detention it was worth it. I remember going home and saw my parents waiting for me. Soon as I walked through the door my dad was laughing and my mom was trying not too. Moral of the story didn't get grounded but what I'm trying to say is if you spend your entire life worrying you'll miss out on the small and big things in life.

I did that most of my life till I met them and all my worries went away. Anyways this has gone on long enough and I'm tired so thank you everyone." She said before walking off the stage and sitting down. Lydia grabbed her hand and held it waiting for their names to get started.

"Alessia Barnes." She got up and walked to the stage and walked it getting her diploma. She heard Ben and Lily cheering for her the loudest. She sat back down and the names went on then they called Lydia and Alessia cheered the loudest for her.

After everyone names were called everyone cheered and threw their caps up. Alessia pulled Lydia into a kiss. Lydia melted into the kiss. "We graduated." Alex said pulling away for air. "Yes we did." Lydia told her as her cheeks were all red.

"Do it." Allison told Alessia making Lydia confused. "Do what?" Lydia asked her. "Lydia look at me." Scott said distracting her giving Alessia a few minutes. Allison handed her the ring to her. "She'll love it." Malia told her.

Alessia got down on one knee. "Lydia." She said. "Hold on." She told her not turning around. "Lydia you should look." Allison told her. "Hold on." She said talking to her mom. "Lydia turn around and look." Her mother told her. 

She finally turned around and gasped seeing her down on one knee. "Lydia Marie Martin will you make me the happiest woman in the world and marry me." Alessia said and Lydia was trying not to cry. "Y-Yes." Lydia told her as she got up to put the ring on only to be pulled into a kissed.

Alessia pulled away and placed the ring on her finger. "Oh thank god you said yes I thought you were gonna say no for a second." She told her. "How could I ever say no to you besides I was hoping it would be you proposing." Lydia told her making her laugh. "We'll hello soon to be wife." Alex said kissing her once more.

"Hello soon to be wife." Lydia told her. "My parents won't be home tonight so prepare yourself." Alessia whispered to her smirking while her cheeks went red. "Guys we finally graduated and you two are gonna get married this day just got even better." Allison told them hugging them.

"Yes it did." Alessia said even though she hoped someone else would've had came. "Alex your getting so big now." She heard and turned around quickly and saw Josh. She ran over and hugged him. "You made it." She whispered to him.

"Of course I did you'd think I wouldn't have. I've waited for this moment since you were a baby Alex I couldn't miss my sister graduating and now engaged as well." He said almost making her cry. "Don't cry Alex it's ok." He said hugging her and rubbed her back.

"Do they know." She asked him. "Nope they don't know still trying to find you but don't worry I've been throwing them off lead so they won't and Hope didn't even graduate she's still at the  Salvatore school." Josh told her making her giggle.

"Good she was always dumb but thank you. You didn't have to-your my sister Alex I'll do anything now go back to your fiancé she's waiting." He told her and the two of them walked back over. "Nice to see you again Lydia." Josh said. "You too Josh." Lydia told him.

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