Chapter 18

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After the weekend was over Alessia and Lydia and Esme went back home. Little did they know they had some people waiting for them inside.

"Grab Esme she's asleep." Lydia told her while she grabbed the bags. "My little baby is four years old." "Ours." Lydia said correcting her. Alessia got out of the car seat and walked inside with her and sighed.

"Surprise." Hope said waving her hands. "What are you doing in my house." Alessia told them. "We'll we wanted to you see." Rebekah said. "No our please my daughter is a asleep so please get out." She told them.

"Alex-Look I'm being nice about this so get out before I force you guys out." She told them. "When I get back down you better be out." She told them walking upstairs. She laid down Esme in her bed and covered her up with the blanket.

"Shh mommy will be downstairs." She whispered to her before kissing her head. She walked downstairs and they we're still their. "I asked you guys to get now do it." She told them taking her jacket.

"Alex we're family." Elijah told her.  "No your not Lydia and Esme are my family you guys are not." She told them. "Alex please we want you back." Hayley told her.

"I'm good." She told them. "Just get out and we can act like we don't know each other." She told them as they stared at her. "Lydia darling come here." She said as she walked over. "Yeah what's up." Lydia asked.

"Take my keys and grab Esme and I want you guys to go to Josh and Aidens house." She told her as she stared at her. "But-Do it." Alessia told her as Lydia gave her a kiss. She put the keys in her hand and watched her go upstairs. "Alex-Lydia walked down with Esme in her arm's as she woken up.

"Mommy where we going." Esme said. "Darling you and momma are gonna go hang with uncle joshy and uncle Aiden." Alessia told her as Lydia walked over to her. "Your not coming with." "No baby but I'll go later I promise you." She said kissing her head.

"Go." She told Lydia moving out the way when Klaus got in the way so she couldn't leave. "I think they should stay." Klaus told her. Alessia turned around and walked over to him. "This-She pointed to her and the others. "Stay between us leave my wife and kid alone you have a problem keep it between us but don't bring them in it.

Cause you'll start a war you'll lose. Lydia go." She told her as she ran out the house quickly as Alessia locked them all inside so they couldn't go after them. "Now let's chat shall we." She said turning around with a smirk. "Klaus what have you done." Rebekah whispered to him.

"Sister-Ah it's Alex cause we aren't sister Hope you made sure of it." She said cutting her off. "Now we can handle this like adults or you can handle it the way I call revenge." She said turning around looking at them. "Just come home with us." Hayley told her.

"For what tell me Hayley why should i when all my life you all acted like I never existed." She told them Hayley was hurt that she called her by her name and not mom. "Alex your acting like a kid." Hope told her. "We'll your the ones who invaded my home." She told her.

"So what's it gonna be." She asked. "And let's remember who's stronger here Hope because I'm a full tribrid who has mastered spells that you or Freya couldn't." She told her pouring some bourbon into a glass cup.

"Theirs no way your stronger then me." Hope told her. "That sounds like jealousy Hope." Alessia said placing her cup down as Hope picked up a knife and threw it at her. Alessia turned around catching it and threw it back at her but she didn't catch it sensing she wasn't a full tribrid just a werewolf and witch.

"Careful their Hope it could've been your heart I threw it at. Now you still stronger cause the looks of it doesn't look like it." She told her as Hope winced in pain. "Are you crazy that's your sister." Rebekah yelled. "Sorry but I'm a only child who graduated got valedictorian who went to the best collage in the whole wide world has a family and at the age of what 22." She told them.

"And look at Hope still in collage at 22 you could've been something by now sorry you didn't graduate the year I did wait I'm not sorry." She said laughing at the end. "Alex stop-No let's continue shall we because I warned you guys and gave you a way out but you never listen." She told them.

"Your just a useless human who has no power." Hope told her making her laugh. "If I'm so useless then who saved you and your family when the hollow came please indulge me." She told them leaning against the table. "Nobody can withhold the hollow for so long." Rebekah told her scoffing.

"Really what's this." She said holding up a necklace. "A swift of my hand and she's free and boy we have a lot in common wanting to kill you guys is something huge we have in common." She told them as they stepped back a little.

"Your weak it's probably a fake." Hope told her throwing a spell at her but she absorbed it. "Don't try me Hope you'll lose." She told her. "H-How did you do that." Hope said. "Simple I'm more powerful then you." Alessia told her.

"Really let's find out." Hope said as they started to fight with spells. All the spells Hope threw at her were little ones compared to the ones she could be throwing at her. "Enough." Alessia yelled as Hope flew back.

"Now I can either wipe your memory and force you to leave this town or you can leave my home and we can forget this ever happened." She told them. "How are you stronger." Hope asked getting up.

"Ask grandmother and dear aunt Dahlia." She told her smirking as they stared at her. "Dahlia Esther how." Freya asked. "Simple they love me we all share out hatred for you guys." She told them shrugging her shoulders.

"Right this is taking to long we're doing it my way." She told them as they all looked at her as she started to chant. "What are you doing." Rebekah said as she held her head in pain they all did.

She was erasing herself from their life. She finished and they all looked at her confused. "Who are you." Rebekah asked. "Um you guys wandered into my home can y'all leave." She told them. "Oh sorry about that lovely home you have." Hayley told her. "Thanks." She said as they walked out.

"Goodbye family always and forever." She whispered under her breath but nobody heard it except Klaus. His memory of her was still their he don't know why or how but it's still their.
They left the house and Alessia went to Josh's house like nothing happened. She told them everything that happened.

The Mikelsons never questioned why or how they ended up at the house they just forgot about it. Everyone now and then they'll bring it up and laugh about it. They never saw or looked for her again to figure out why they were their but they did feel something empty in them like they were missing a piece of their life.

Alessia and Lydia did end up adopting another kid this time a boy. It was a baby werewolf they adopted and name Enzo after Alessia friend Enzo who died.

Klaus watched Alessia and Lydia and the kids from afar. Was always near when the kids were out alone to make sure they were ok and never harmed. Their was this one time when someone hurt Esme and Klaus killed them for even touching her.

He wished he was a better father to Alessia and regrets everything he has done to her but understand he now has to pay the consequences for his actions.

Alessia always saw Klaus watching the kids. She figured out a week after she erased their memory that his didn't get erased. She didn't do anything about it because he never went to talk to her or went to act like a good father. She knew he was suffering his consequences and just left it like that. She knows that he killed someone for hurting Esme. She knew he was gonna be their for them even if it has to be from afar.

She thinks of him like a guardian angle for Enzo and Esme. She's happy he's their watching over them from afar. Their was this time he did go up to Esme before they adopted Enzo. She had wandered off from home and Klaus saw her and walked over to her and helped her get home. Esme told them about a man helping her get home she knew who she was talking about. She wasn't mad she was just happy she was safe and ok.

The End

Hello lovelies this book is over so sad. I hope you all like this book I'm starting to get better at writing books now cause if some of you read my other ones they weren't good but then weren't terrible but they were bad. Thank you all for reading this book I appreciate you all and have a nice night.

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