Chapter 17

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After everyone got ready they all left to go see Alessia. "Babe come on." They heard Lydia said holding a little girls hand. "Mommy is sure taking her time." Lydia told Esme. They all walked over to Lydia and Esme.

"I'm here now sorry had to turn the stove off." Alessia said giving Lydia a kiss and picking up Esme. "Mommy you took forever." Esme said to her making Alessia. "I'm sorry princess mommy will be quicker next time now let's go see Uncle Joshy." She told her.

"Alessia." Hayley said as she turned around to see who it was. "What do you want." Alex said holding Esme tighter. "We came to see you." Hope said smiling at her. "Babe take Esme and put her in the car please." She said handing her to Lydia.

She gave her the keys to the car and watched her put her in and get in the car as well. "How did you find me we've been hidden for months without you guys noticing." Alessia said calmly. "We went through your memories." Freya told her as she looked down.

"You guys must leave." She told them as they stared at her. "Alessia-Call me Alex but please leave." She told them. "Alex we're sorry but please come back home we can be a family again." Hope told her.

She shook her head no. "I already have a family. Me and my wife adopted a beautiful little girl who has amazing aunts and uncles who love her and amazing grandparent's." Alessia told them. Before anyone spoke she got a call.

She looked at it and answered it. "Yeah mom what's up." Alessia said as Hayley stared at her. "Yeah we'll bring her up in a couple of days." "Don't worry and tell dad I said hi." Alessia said to Lily. "Ok then bye love you." She said before hanging up. "Who was that."

Kol asked. "My parent's." She said looking at him. "Your p-parents." Hayley said. "Yeah my parents now it was nice seeing but I really must get going it's my daughters birthday and we have plans today." She told them waving at them before walking off.

"She's so mature didn't flip out or kill us." Elijah said to them.

"You didn't kill them." Lydia said as she got in the car. "I thought when I would see them again I would but like something inside didn't." "Your mature that's why." Lydia told her holding her hand. "Let's get going we still have to go to Josh then to Mystic Falls then to my parents." She told her as she drove off.

Short one I know. It's not the last chapter letting you know.

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