Chapter 9

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Lydia got off the bed while Alessia was asleep and started to put her clothes back on but Alessia started to wake up. She moved her hand around to feel Lydia but didn't feel anything. "Lydia." She whined.

"What." Lydia said putting her pants on. "Come back to bed." Alessia told her. "No we have school now get up." Lydia told her. She groaned and got up not even bothering to cover herself. "Alex your clothes." Lydia said.

"Not like you didn't just see it like night." She said walking to the bathroom and turned the shower on. "I have to head home and shower." Lydia said and Alessia walked out with a towel wrapped around her.

"Stay shower here." She said wrapping her arms around her waist. "I need clothes first of all." Lydia told her. "We're the same size just use mine." "I'm pretty sure you don't have any clean one." "Hey I do I just haven't folded them yet just grab some clothes I'll take a quick shower then you can." Alessia told her kissing her cheek and going into the bathroom before she can answer.

Lydia groaned and sat down on the bed. It's been at least 15 minutes when Alessia walked out wrapped in a towel. "Showers all yours." She said going through some drawers. "Did you find any clothes." She asked her. "I'm scared to look." Lydia told her making Alessia laugh a little.

"Go shower I'll get you clothes." She said and Lydia walked into the bathroom as Alessia got her clothes. About 15 minutes went by and Lydia walked out with a towel wrapped around her. "The clothes." Lydia asked her.

"Here pretty sure you'll like it." She said passing her the clothes. It was a skirt a light blue Jean skirt and a black tight top with a matching bra and underwear set. She walked into the bathroom and changed and walked out.

"You look amazing." Alessia said as she walked out. "Thank you and thanks for letting me use your clothes." Lydia told her. "No problem as long as it's only mine then we're all fine." She said kissing her cheek. "Theirs an extra toothbrush on the counter for you." Alessia said as Lydia walked back into the bathroom to brush her teeth.

She walked back out with her hair into a braid bun. "Ready." Alessia told her. "Yeah let's go." Lydia said grabbing her bag and Alessia grabbed hers. The two walked downstairs and Ben and Lily looked at them two. "Morning mom morning dad see you after school." Alessia said waving to them and walked out the house dragging Lydia with her.

Lydia drove them to school and the two of them both got of the car as some kids stared at them. Addison walked over to Alessia as soon as she saw her. "Hey you didn't come over-she was with me." Lydia said cutting her off. Addison looked at Lydia then back to Alessia.

"I wasn't talking to you Martin I was talking to Alex." Addison said. "Yeah but she's my girlfriend not yours." Lydia said and Addison looked at the hickeys on her neck. "What about yesterday." Addison told her. "That was nothing come on darling." Alessia said before grabbing Lydia's hand and taking her inside.

"Your so hot when your jealous." Alessia told her as they went to her locker. Lydia rolled her eyes at her. "Be back gotta tell the teach something real quick then we can head to class." Alessia said kissing her cheek before walking off. The packed saw Lydia and walked over to her.

"Where we're you yesterday we had a pack meeting." Scott asked her. "Oh um I got caught up in something." Lydia told them. "Forget about that what happened between you and Alex." Allison said. "Oh um-who's clothes are those they aren't yours." Kira said pointing it out. "T-Their mine." Lydia said stuttering a little.

"You and Alex what's happened." Allison asked once again. Before she said anything Alessia walked back over. "I'm back." Alessia said not noticing the pack. "Now we can go to class." Alessia said kissing her. "That was fast what'd you tell the teacher." Lydia asked her.

"Nothing important." Alessia told her placing an arm around her and kissing her head. Someone cleared their throat and Alessia looked at them. "Oh um hey." Alessia said waving to them. "Soo." Allison said. "You two." Malia asked.

"Yeah we're together." Alessia told them before dragging Lydia off to the classroom. "We'll congratulations." Allison said as they walked away. They walked in after them.

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