Chapter 2

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All week Alessia went around looking for Lydia but nobody knew that name. At first Alessia thought they we're messing around until she realized they weren't she thinks she's going crazy cause nobody saw or even heard her name before.

It's been getting worse for Alessia at the compound. Hope has been blaming her for more and more and they abuse her both mentally and physically. She decided to leave and never look back.

She packed things and leave as quickly as possible. She walked downstairs with her backpack and was walking to the door when Hope stopped her. "Where you going." Hope asked her seeing her backpack.

"With friends." Alessia said lying to her. "Didn't know you had friends." Hope told her. "We'll now you do." "I'm going with and if you don't let me I'll tell dad your broke my pictures." Hope told her making her groan.

"Fine." "Perfect I'll have mom drive us be back." Hope said walking off and Alessia ran quickly. Alessia ran onto a bus right before it left it was leaving town and that was her ticket out. She sighed in relief and sat in a seat she doesn't even know where she's going not yet at least.


Alessia woke up to a lady sitting next to her. She had a scent just like Josh. Josh has one because he's a vampire does that mean the lady is one too.

"Your up." The lady said looking at Alessia. "I'm Lily dear." She said putting her hand out. "I saw a man looking at you weirdly so I sat next to you so he wouldn't." Lily told her and Alessia told her thank you.

"I'm Alessia and thank you." She told her shaking her hand. "Why you here alone dear." Lily asked her. "I'm um visiting a friend." She lied to her. "Dear I'm a vampire I know that your lying baby tribrid." Lily told her and Alessia was right.

"How did-your scent gave it away three different one's a witch werewolf and vampire so I assumed you were one and I was right." Lily told her. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me." Lily told her and Alessia visibly relaxed.

"Don't worry my husband is a werewolf." Lily told her. "Do you not know the risk if a vampire gets bitten by a werewolf right." "Their fatal you can die." Alessia told her quietly. "We know the risk dear but you can't people from love even if it's life or death."

Lily told her. "Dear where you going." Lily asked her. "I don't know yet." "Come and stay with me and my husband we can help you." Lily told Alessia. "I don't know." "Only for week if you don't like it I'll help you find somewhere else to stay." Lily said.

"I guess it won't hurt right." Alessia told her and Lily got a big smile. "You'll love it their." Lily told her and Alessia nodded her head.


Lily and Alessia were picked up by Ben her husband. "Hi baby." Lily said giving him a kiss. "Hello Luv who's this." He said giving her a kiss and then looking at Alessia. "This is Alessia she will be staying with us."

Lily told him and Alessia awkwardly waved at him. "Nice to meet you Alessia I'm Ben her husband." He said putting his hand out. "Nice to meet you and thanks for letting me stay." Alessia told him with a bug smile.

"Who are the new people." Allison's asked pointing to them. "Oh their my new neighbors didn't know they had a daughter tho." Scott said talking to the pack. Lydia then noticed the redhead she met a month ago.

"Yeah let's go do that." Lydia said walking over to them already the pack followed after her. "Hey you guys must be the Barnes Family." Scott said getting their attention. "Oh um I'm not-She saw Lydia standing their and they locked eyes.

"Yes we are." Lily said noticing them lock eyes. "This my husband Ben and I'm Lily and this is Alessia." Lily said introducing themselves. "Nice to meet you guys I'm your neighbor next door on the right." "Is your daughter going to school here maybe I can show her around." Lydia asked.

"Yes Yes I am." Alessia said before they could answer. "We must get going it was nice meeting you guys." Ben told them still oblivious to what was going on between the two teens.

"It was nice meeting you kids." Lily told them. "Nice meeting you guys as well." Scott said as they walked off. "Lydia your staring." Allison whispered to her and snapped her out of her trance. So her name is Alessia. Lydia thought to herself.

"I gotta go see you later." Lydia said walking off quickly. "Alessia Barnes you will be mine one day." Lydia muttered to herself.

Alessia and Lily and Ben all walked into the house. "I'll show you to your room." Lily told her as they walked upstairs. "This is your room we can decorate it if you want." Lily said as she opened the door.

"No it's fine thank you." Alessia said putting her bag down. "You and that redhead." Lily told her. "You two dating." She asked sitting on the bed next to her. "What no what makes you think that." Alessia asked her. "I saw the tension between you two."

"Theirs nothing going on between us." Alessia said to her. This is the first time she talked to a woman about girls her aunts or mother never did this with her. "We'll I'll enroll you tomorrow and if you ever want to talk about anything or need anything our bedroom door is always opened." Lily said getting up.

She was about to walk out the door when Alessia stopped her. "Thank you." Alessia told her. Lily walked over to her and kissed her forehead. "Your welcome and get some rest it's gonna be a long day tomorrow." "Will do." She said with a bright smile making Lily smile.

"You need anything our door is open goodnight Alessia." Lily told her before walked out. "Night." She said as she walked out.

Lily had always wanted kids but can't have any because of her being a vampire and with Alessia being their it feels like she has one.

The One She Saved-L.MWhere stories live. Discover now