Chapter 5

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It's been a week since Josh has been with Alessia. He has met Lily and Ben he loves them and thinks their perfect for Alessia. Alessia has started to call Lily and Ben mom and dad.

They we're so happy when she did. She was happy that they accepted her and let's her call them that. "So Alex this is our goodbye." "This ain't goodbye it's just a simple see you later Josh." Alessia told him giving him a hug.

"Red head alert." He told her talking about Lydia. Alessia turned around and saw her standing their waving at her. "Not sure if I'll be ok without you." Alessia told him. "You'll be ok in time you'll learn just as I did you must find happiness right here."

Josh told her. "And your happiness is in that house and right their." He said taking about it Lily and Ben and Lydia. "Together-Forever." Josh said finishing the sentence for her.

He gave her one last hug. "Go get her and make her yours because I'm rooting for you and her." Josh told her making her laugh a little. "I'm expecting a wedding invitation." He told her making her giggle. "You'll be my maid of honor right." She said joking around.

"Of course I'll be my best friends maid of honor." He told her laughing little. "Goodbye Alex." "Goodbye Josh." She said giving him a hug and watched as he drove off. Lydia walked over to Alessia. "What happened to your boyfriend." Lydia asked.

"He's not my boyfriend he's my best friend and he's gay and so I'm i." Alessia told her. "So what where was he going." Lydia asked her. "He was heading back home he came up to visit." Lydia nodded her head. "Alex come on it's getting cold out." Lily said from the door.

"Hold on mom I'll head in a minute." Alessia told her and she nodded her head and walked back in. "Lydia." Alessia said snapping her out of her trance. "Yeah." "Go on date with me." Lydia stared at her. "Will you go on a date with me." Lydia corrected her. "Of course I will."

Alessia said with a smirk. Her mother shook her head at her cockiness. Lydia smiled at her. "Of course I'll go on a date with you." "Perfect tomorrow I'll pick you up at 5." Alessia told her. "Got it I've got to go but see you tomorrow." Lydia told her giving her a hug.

"Bye Lydia." Alessia said watching her get in her car and drive off. "Alex get inside now it's getting colder." Lily yelled at her making her laugh a little bit she ran inside. "Cocky much." Lily told her with a smile. "But congratulations on your date Luv." Lily said kissing her head making her smile.

"Thanks mom now I'm gonna go sit next to dad and warm up cause I'm cold." She said running off and grabbing a blanket and cuddled up next to Ben making Lily smile at her family.

Sorry it's short

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