Chapter 7

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It's been a few days since the date between Alessia and Lydia. Alessia has been planing on how to ask Lydia to be her girlfriend lately so she's been busy. So she's stopping by her house to ask her she has this huge surprise for her.

"Are you ready." Allison asked her. "Yes I am." Alessia told her giving her a hug. "Thanks for helping me I wouldn't have been able to do this without you." "No problem just happy I can help I'll see you later text me what she says."

Allison said before taking off. Alessia got in the car and drove to Lydia's house. She grabbed the stuff for Lydia and started to walk to her door when she saw through the window her with a man she was pressed up against him his hand on her chest and he not doing anything.

Alessia watched a little bit and saw they were about to kiss when a phone went off making them lose focus. She got back in the car threw the things in the back and drove off heart broken. The girl she had fallen for was obviously not into her.

She got home and walked passed Lily and Ben ignoring their questions and going straight to her room. "She ok." Ben asked and Lily smacked his chest. You can hear loud music and things being thrown. "Let me go check." She said getting up and going to her room where you can hear sad music being blasted.

Lily knocked but knowing how loud she had the music she won't be able to hear it so she just walked in and saw her room a mess. "Alex what happened." Lily said rushing to her side. "Mom life is horrible." Alessia said as Lily rubbed her back. "Baby what happened."

"I went over to Lydia's to ask her and saw her about to kiss a guy mom." Alessia said starting to cry on Lily's lap. "Oh honey I'm sorry." Lily told her. "Mom it hurts I really like her." Alessia told her and Lily moved her hair out the way. "Listen to me honey maybe it was an accident."

Lily told her. "Mom if a phone call didn't interrupt them they would've kissed." Alessia said wiping her nose. "Mom I thought she liked me." Alessia said making Lily's heart break hearing that. "I'm sorry Luv come you need some sleep."

Lily said scooting over on the bed and Alessia laid her head on her chest pulling the blanket over them both. "Sorry for making a mess in my room." Alessia told her sniffling. "Don't worry about it." She told her playing with her hair.

Alessia soon fell asleep and Ben walked in the room. "She ok." He asked Lily. "Yeah just heartbroken." Lily told him as he laid down next to them. "From who." He asked protectively. "Darling don't worry about that and your hurting them either just lay down with us."

Lily told him holding his hand. "She sleeping." He asked her. "Yeah she is."

Sorry for not posting had my homecoming dance the other day and hadn't had time to post.

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