Chapter 15

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August 12th 2013....

The day Alessia left she left letters to her old family as she called them the day she left. She left for many reason's with no help she needed to do it alone with nobody knowing.

It's been a few days and Hope wants to ask Alessia something so she's knocking on her door. "Alessia open the door I want to ask you something." Hope said but no response so she just walked in. She looked around and saw the pictures on the walls we're gone.

Her closet was completely empty like somebody ransacked it. The bathroom door wide open and things on the floor that was Hope's she would go in their and use her bathroom. All her drawers were empty and wide opened her bed looks like nobody has been in it for days.

She walked around the room and came across some letters. She opened the one with her name on it.

"Dear Hope, you we're the favorite child the one mom and dad always wanted and me, I was the child that just came along with you. According to mom and dad I shouldn't have even been born. You thought I was human and a waste of space. You we're my twin you we're suppose to be my built in best friend but you choose not too.

I've had left and by the time you have read this I'll be gone far away where you can never find me. I don't even know why I'm writing these letters none of you guys deserve them. Like you said I should've died instead of Aunt Cami and I wished I did.
Goodbye Hope.

Sincerely Alessia."

Hope dropped the letter as she finished it. She started to cry she doesn't know why she did. She regrets everything she had said to her she misses her and wants her back. "Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap." Hope thought to herself.

Soon everyone walked in the room seeing Hope in their. "Hope what's wrong." Hayley asked walking over to her. "Alessia is gone." Hope said looking up at her. "Hope lying's bad don't say that." Rebekah told her. "I'm not lying she wrote it in the letter she even wrote one for all of us." Hope said handing them their letters.

Rebekah's POV

Hope handed me a letter and I opened it and started to read it. God Alessia so dramatic.

"Dear Aunt Rebekah, I was so happy when Josh told me all about you guys and how strong and powerful and beautiful you were. I always hoped one day you'd come up to my room and dress me up like you did with Hope or do my hair or take me shopping. I overheard you talking one time how mom and dad should've put me up for adoption since I was taking up to much space but I wished they did too we both wanted something but it never happened.

I've heard hundreds of stories of how their was a beautiful blonde original vampire who wanted to be human so bad. I've searched places and didn't find it but I did find a spell for you to be human. I've found it from the Parker family her name was Josette Parker she taught me that spell but told me to use it if their in danger or if they deserve it. She's dead but I can speak to the dead which kinda made my life. I know how much you hate me so I made it into a cure for you if you go under my bed theirs a box theirs the cure for you.
Goodbye Aunt Rebekah

Sincerely Alessia."

I walked over to the bed bent over and saw a box under the bed. "Sister what are you doing." Elijah asked me. I opened the the box and saw the cure right before my eyes. "Rebekah." Klaus said as I turned around. "What is that." Kol asked. "The cure." I sat on her bed looking down. "Guess better wash my mouth out with soap." I thought to myself.

Elijah's POV

I watched as Rebekah stared at the cure in her hands. I looked down at my letter and opened it to see what she has to say.

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