Chapter 11

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It's been a three weeks since Alessia has spoken to Lydia. She hasn't been at school either which has Lydia worried. "Have you guys seen Alex." Lydia asked the pack. "Last we saw her was when you two fought."

Scott told her. "Saw her in the woods yesterday." Theo said as he walked by. "What do you mean yesterday." Lydia said stopping him. "Yeah she seemed shocked and scared but saw her yesterday in the woods."

Theo said walking off. "That's it she's had enough space I'm going to see her now." Lydia said walking off and drove to her house.

Two weeks ago.

Alessia was walking home from getting something from the store when some man walks up to her. "Hey their gorgeous let's go play." He said grabbing her arm turning her back around so she's facing him.

"I have a girlfriend yeah no." She told him pushing him off of her. "We'll why don't you just cheat I'm much better." He told her pulled her closer as she tried to push him away. "Bro get off me." She said pushing him off her now and walking away.

"Get back here." He said running over to her and grabbing her hair. "I said we're gonna have fun now let's go." He said tightening his grip in her hair. "Sorry about this." She said making him confused. She used her magic throwing him back hitting his head on the wall.

She fell to the ground in pain as her eyes flashed a gold. She got off the floor quickly and went home quickly. "Hey Luv." Lily said walking into the living room and saw her fall to the floor. She rushed to her side and saw her eyes they were gold. "You broke your curse." Lily said. "Ben get in here quickly."

Lily yelled as Alessia held onto her. He ran in the room and looked at her. "What happened." He asked. "She broke her curse." Lily told him and he knelt in-front of her. "Hey hey just focus ok." He told her calming her down.

"Dad I tried to get him off me he wouldn't I had no choice." Alessia told them. "Hey it's not your fault." Lily told her pulling her into a hug.

Alessia opened the door her eyes puffy she had eye bags. Her hair was all messy and she looked tired. "Alex what happened." She asked her. "Nothing Lydia you can go home." She told her. "No I'm not leaving you I've gave you space now we're gonna talk about it."

Lydia said walking in the house and Alessia closed the door. She walked into her room and waited for her to walk in and she did closing the door. "Alex what happened." Lydia told her. "I broke my curse." She said standing in front of her.

"Did you do it on purpose that's all I need to know." Lydia asked her. "No it was an accident-She pulled her into a hug cutting her off. "You don't need to say anything else that's all I need to know." Lydia told her as she hugged her tighter.

Lydia pulled her onto the bed and laid her down next to her. "I'll be with you every step of the way." Lydia told her running her fingers through her hair.


Tonight was the full moon. Lydia wanted to go but Alessia told her no and trapped her in the house with Lily so she couldn't go. Her and Ben and making their way to the woods. "Owe dad." Alessia said falling to her knees making Ben stop.

"Right it's coming faster then I thought." He told himself. He set the stuff on the ground and grabbed the wolfsbane and handed it to her. "Drink it hurry." He told her and she did. She threw it to the side and it started.

"Owe dad it hurts." She said. "Right you need to focus on the air and ground beneath you. It may take hours-HOURS." Alessia said cutting him off. "If you try to control it let it consume you whole." He told her. "Ok ok I think I got this."

She told him smiling at her. "And when you do run free I'm so proud of you." He said kissing her head and stepped back as he would be going through transition as well as it's the full moon.

Alessia transition first her for was a black wolf with golden eyes. Ben then transition and his form was a grey wolf. Alessia stared at Bens form and walked over to him sniffing him. Ben stayed still not wanting to scare her once she realized it was him she nudged him wanting to play.

A few hours went by and they played until it was time to transformed back. Alessia grabbed her bag and ran off to change she was still in her wolf form when she took her bag. Ben transformed back and didn't see her so assumed she went to change. He quickly changed into his clothes.

Alessia walked back with Bens sweater on rubbing her eyes. "Come on your tired." He said and they went back to the house. They walked in and saw Lydia and Lily asleep on the couch but woke up when they heard the door closed.

"You ok." Lydia asked rushing over to her. "Yeah I'm fine just tired." She said yawning. "Come on let's go lay down." Lydia said helping her upstairs. Lily and Ben watched the two go up and closed the door. "How was it."

Lily asked him. "It's was good she did amazing came faster then I thought but she did amazing." He told her leaning in for a kiss only for her to back up. "No you haven't brushed your teeth." Lily said walking upstairs making him laugh.

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