Chapter 13

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They've decided to throw a graduation party for the kids and invited all of their friends to it. Including some vampires from New Orleans and some from the Salvatore School.

Alessia and Lydia walked through the door of the party and everyone was dancing drinking everything. Their was no parents here no teachers nothing just kids celebrating their graduation.

"Their you guys are." Allison said walking over to them. "Yup we couldn't miss it." "Took you guys long enough though." Stiles said with a smirk. "Yeah I had a gift at the house for Lydia." She said with a smirk.

"Anyways come on everyone's here already." Allison said as they walked over to where everyone was at. "Don't worry darling nobody will hear you." Alessia whispered to Lydia. "Theirs vampires and werewolves here Alex now is not the time."

Lydia told her but she just shrugged her shoulders. "Alex." Lydia warned her as the vibrations hit her. She almost fell but she held onto Alessia. "Don't worry it won't be for long." She told her as she wrapped her arm around her waist and walked over to the others.

"Hey guys." She said hugging them. "How's the happy couple." Erica asked. "We're good so glad to have you here Erica." Alessia said smiling at her. "Thanks for inviting me." She told her. "We'll talk later." Erica told her before walking off. "Yeah sure." She told her.

"Alex let me take it off." Lydia asked her. "No you must wait or else it'll be worse." She told her smiling at her. "Your evil." Lydia told her and she just smiled at her. "But you love me." She told her kissing her cheek.

"Alex awesome party." A vampire said walking over to them. "Evan you made it man haven't seen you in so long." Alex said hugging him. "Couldn't miss this party and thanks for inviting us. Also congratulations on graduating and getting engaged." He told her.

She smiled at him. "Thank you." "I remember when you we're just a kid bossing us around now look at you all grown up man time really does go by quick." He told her. "We're is the lucky groom." He asked her. "It's actually a bride." Alessia said correcting him.

"Oh Cami owes me big time congrats now where is the lucky bride that got you." Evan told her. "Evan meet Lydia my fiancée Lydia meet my friend Evan." Alessia said as Evan placed his hand out for her to shake and she did. "Nice meeting you Evan." "You too Lydia you got a handful on your hands good luck." He told her making her laugh.

"Thanks. Babe I'm going to get a drink want anything." Lydia asked. "No thank you." "Evan you want anything." Lydia asked him. "No thank you." He told her as she walked off. "I like her she's good for you." Evan told him. "Thank you Evan it means a lot. You we're the sibling I never had. You taught me things that my biological family didn't and you didn't have to but you did-your my sister I'd do anything for you."

He said cutting her off. "So she know your a-Yeah she does just glad she accepted it never thought I'd find someone who did but I did she a banshee." Alessia told him and he stared at her. "You got a banshee score." Evan told her making her laugh.

Couple minutes went by and Lydia still hasn't came back yet. "Hey Alex that your girl." A werewolf from New Orleans said pointing to Lydia were a guy was all up on her as she tried to push him off. "Oh shit." Evan said. "Meet you out back." Evan said as him and a few other people walked off with him.

Alessia walked over to them and pulled Lydia over to her. "Hey what's your problem we we're talking." The guy said as Alessia pulled her into a kiss. "Score threesome." The guy said. "Darling be a dear and go with Allison and your punishment will be taken off tonight."

She told her as she stared at her. "What are you-go with Allison and the pack I'll deal with him." Alessia said giving her one last kiss before sending her off to the pack. "Hey bud let's go outside." She said grabbing his shirt and dragging him out back.

"You messed with the wrong girl." Alessia told him as she threw him to the ground and Evan and the others walked over handing her a bat. "You bitch." The guy said as Evan and the boys were about to hit him but Alessia stopped him.

"Oh buddy I am a bitch but put crazy before it because your about to see it." She told him making him confused as she swung the bat and hit him in the face. "That's my fiancée you we're forcing yourself on." She told him hitting him again.

"Hold him up." She told them as Evan and Theo the werewolf held him up. "She was all up on me." He said as blood went down his face from his nose and mouth. "Now that is a lie because my fiancée loves me and doesn't date guys nor does she like them so your out of luck." She told him hitting him in the face with her fist.

"You messed up buddy." Evan told him holding him up. "Big time." Theo said. "Alex your gonna kill him." Evan said. "We'll I'll show him what happens when he messes with a Mikelson." She said as the guy's eyes widen. "Y-Your the lost daughter." He stuttered out.

"Lost not so much but when you mess with someone I love you pay the price." She said as she started to get covered in blood. "Wanna know what happens when a young get bit by a werewolf and don't forget a tribrids bite is much stronger then a hybrids so you'll die faster." She told him. "Who'd you come with." She asked him before biting him.

"Adam." He said after she bit him. "Call Adam." She said as her eyes were still gold. "You don't have to do this." He said. "Oh but you choose this." She taunt him as the doors opened again. "Alex geez girl your covered in blood." He said as she turned around her eyes flashing.

"Adam this your boy." She said pointing to the guy Evan and Theo were holding. "What happened to Sam." He said. "Keep your boys in line Adam drop him." She told Evan and Theo and they threw him on the floor. She started to walk off and walked by him stopping by his shoulder. "He'll be dead by dawn this is a warning keep your boys in check. Because when I go back to New Orleans with our Queen it won't be a warning they'll be dead." She told him and he nodded quickly as she walked back inside.

"Good job Alex." Evan said to her not touching her not wanting blood on him. She walked over to where Lydia was at. "Let's go we're leaving." Alessia told her as they stared at her. Josh walked over to her. "Woah you look like Klaus what the hell happened." Josh said and she rolled her eyes.

"Adam's boys we're playing so nicely so just taught him a lesson they've learned now don't worry." She told him patting his shoulder he stared at her. "Don't do that you creep me out when you do that." Josh told her. "Darling let's go I'd like to shower." Alessia told her. "What'd you do." Lydia asked her.

"Just taught him not to mess with my queen now shall we leave before I teased you enough tonight and I'd love to shower with you now." Alessia said as her cheeks went red. "Let's go." She said as Alessia grabbed her hand and walked out together. "She scares me." Evan said as Josh and Theo looked at him.

"Don't worry bud you aren't the only one." Derek said as he walked off. "And to think she was the nice and now she's a mini Rebekah mixed with Klaus and Kol now she scares the shit out of me." Evan said making them laugh. "Don't worry it was just today she'll be back to being nice and less cocky." Josh told.

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