Chapter 33

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"Did you ever think of how I feel when you broke up with me?"

I turned my gaze to Mark when he said that while looking at the River waves in front of us. His coat around my shoulders, cold breeze in the air, city lights and...him. It feels perfect with him.

After dancing the night away, we rested ourselves by looking at the Han River view. I realize many things after having a heartfelt thoughts from each other. Of how things went through, of how he handled everything.

I cleared my throat. "I do think of it, but I'm clueless and also hurt about it..." I said playing my fingers with my arms leaning on the metal railings.

"Hmm...I see." He said and we went quiet.

I look away because I'm feeling the awkwardness between us and it feels new, really new.

"Err..." We both said at the same time turning out looking away at each other.

This is so awkward!

I slowly bit my lower lip and looked at him but I did a startled jump when his gaze is on me already. I quickly look away and I heard him stifle a laugh.

My cheeks heated hearing him laugh after a long time. It sounds so manly and handsome. Not to mention that black silky hair of his same as his expensive white button down did a big justice. This is violence, Mark Tuan.

I realized that I'm staring at his side profile when I felt him looked at me. I unfortunately build up a braveness inside me when I pecked a kiss on his cheek.

His mouth parted slowly putting his hand on his cheek. I took a stepback and started running away from him. I'm so embarrassed!

"Hey!" I heard him shouted but I kept running until I lose my breath.

I stopped from running and bent down a little to take a breath. I felt his hand on my elbow turning me around. I looked down not wanting to meet his eyes.

"Hey.." He whispered.

I can hear his silent laugh!

"Come here.." He pull me closer in a slow manner and embrace his arms on me. I dugged my face on his neck feeling embarrassed.

"Cute." He whispered and my face heated.

"Gaja.." I said in a low voice.

I felt him nod. "Alright, let's go." He pull away and smiled at me.

I slowly smiled at him as we take our steps on our way to the lift. He drive away the place and I felt sleepy so I rested my head on the window slowly taking me to sleep.


I heard a faded voice. It keeps repeating and it annoys me. "Hmm.." I hummed in response with my eyes close.

"Wake up, Roseanne." I heard Mark repeatedly said so I slowly open my eyes.

"Whaaat?" I asked in annoyance while brushing my hand on my eyes.

I heard him sighed and went out the car to open the door on my side. "We're here." He said and removed my seatbelt.

My eyes widened because of his move making me get up quickly. "I can do it, I can do it." I told him quick in repetition.

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