JM 9. Far Away

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Another sad chapter in the JM series. Honestly, it sometimes feels like I can write both sad and happy stuff, but I write sad more perfectly. Its depressing.

I felt like this should be Jason's chapter. The next, however, is in Piper's. Anyway, I hope you all like it (can't say enjoy, can I?)

And thanks once again to all those who liked JM 8- The Fights!

Please listen to The Scientist by Coldplay while reading this.

*1 year after the departure*

Jason was a mess.

No, he wasn't kidding. He felt like absolute shit at this point. Crying held no comfort anymore, and certainly, wailing for Piper in his dreams made no sense.

The last idea had been Nico di Angelo's idea- his belief was that sometimes dreams could communicate messages what Iris messages could not. But to no avail- it seemed like Piper had gone completely off the radar- he dreamt of everything under the sun, but when he turned his attention to Piper, his dreams immediately became dark.

He tried Iris messaging. It seemed faulty. First off all, he didn't know where she was. Second of all, the slightest idea that he did know where she was, the Iris thing didn't work at all. It was pissing him off.

He didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to change. He didn't know where he'd gone so wrong, and he tried so hard, but he couldn't figure it out. He loathed the fact that he had resorted to arm twisting before. He wanted to remove the memory from his mind, but it didn't work.

So he returned to his project, the project that had started it all. He should have hated it, but a promise was a promise, and honestly, it distracted him from his miserable life. And he needed that.

His friends had tried hard to find where she was. Leo and Percy were mad at him for a very long time, and Leo's anger scared him. He remembered when Leo had visited him, just to check on both of them, only to find Piper gone. It was a good thing Calypso was with him, otherwise Jason wouldn't have lived to tell the tale another day.

Leo had gone full on Fire Man. He'd almost burned Jason's apartment down. He'd yelled stuff at him, stuff that was so true it hurt. Now, a year later, Jason was sad, left with no friends at all. Occasionally Frank or Hazel would contact him, and sometimes Reyna, but not too much, since Jason was hardly what one would call, social. It was like all the life out of him had gone when Piper had walked out through the door.

Today, he was simply sitting, mindlessly watching a game on the TV. He couldn't make sense of what was happening on it- some idiots running around after a ball. He wishes he could sleep and never wake up, but he held onto hope, hope that Piper would walk in through the doors again. He imagined it all the time- the doorbell would ring, he would open it, listlessly as ever, only to find himself staring at the most peculiar eyes before being enveloped into a fierce hug. The vision was so strong sometimes that he could smell her cinnamon and vanilla scent. But like all good things, they came to an end, and it crushed him again and again, just like the day Piper had gone.

"Do you look like you need therapy." A voice suddenly said behind him, and Jason jumped. For a moment he thought it was Piper and almost whooped. But as he focused he saw shaggy black hair, a lot of black clothing and a Stygian Iron sword. Jason tried not to grimace, seeing how it was his friend Nico di Angelo.

Out of all the people in camp, it seemed like Nico got how Jason felt like. Having spent years in sadness and anger, it was like Nico had experience. He'd happily settled with Will Solace, though he still walked around like he was the king of emo.

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