13. Tell It All

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This is an important chapter. It opens up the past and all...I hope I do justice to it.

Also, there isn't any specific POV. I'll switch between Piper and Jason, so don't freak out :P

Reflecting about your decisions after you've made them and acted upon them is the hardest thing ever.

Because then you think of all the possible what ifs in the world.

Like Jason was doing right now.

After the baby shower, Jason kept thinking: what if I hadn't told her to wait? and all the things related to it.

A day had gone by now, and Jason was feeling more listless than ever; it felt weird living alone, knowing that Piper was just within his grasp now (if that didn't sound predatory). Also, the whole sex was thing was giving him major twisted feelings; it gave him vertigo for sure. But he meant what he said to her- he wasn't going to do anything wrong while Josh was there, unaware. How to tell Josh was a huge problem.

He was doing his normal thing, getting ready for another night in his lonely 5 years existence, when the doorbell rang.

Jason sighed. Honestly, he was sick of these late night visits by anybody. First it was Percy and Leo and everything, which lead to the whole thing with Piper (not that he minded that but jeez), and now this.

He went up to open the door, expecting one of those idiots to stand with a big smile and a couple of Buds in their hands.

His eyebrows went up when he saw that it wasn't one of the idiots with a Bud in their hands but a pretty brunette with a Bud in her hand.

Feel free to feel confused.

Piper entered without asking, sauntering back into their old apartment like it was no big deal. But it was, for her, and presumably Jason too- she hadn't been in here for five years. A wave nostalgia enveloped her.

It hadn't changed much; rather it looked as if Jason hadn't cared to clean up. It looked..cold, not like a place that was lived in- which wasn't, since only Jason had been living there, who knew in what state of mind.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Jason said, door still open, eyes big like drachmas. Piper smiled, and Jason felt all his feelings mix around like a mush, along with the feeling of kissing her- it felt good just thinking about it.

She looked great, wearing simple dark jeans, and a sweater top with sleeves coming to the elbow, and combat boots- looking like old Piper, except that her hair was long and left open instead of her feathered braid. A strand of her hair was falling over her eye, and Jason squashed an urge to tuck it behind her ear- it was hard remembering his duty towards Josh in such a situation. Gods, being a responsible dad was HARD.

Piper shrugged. "Nothing. I felt like sharing a drink with you and...here I am."

Jason smirked. "Here you are indeed. Wanna go to the balcony?"

Piper beamed this time, happy he'd let her in. As if he was going to turn her out.


They walked to the big balcony, and sipped their drinks before any real conversation.

"Sooo...what's up?" Jason began. He had to say something; the level of awkwardness was too much. On one hand he wanted to kiss her, on the other he wanted to be a good dad. 

Piper didn't say anything for a long time. The wind whipped her hair behind her, movie style, and Jason resisted touching her hair. She didn't look at him; that was weird. Finally she sighed, and turned, but she still didn't meet his eyes.

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