14. Into Labour

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I hope I make you guys laugh with this! XD

Jason and Piper rushed to the hospital, where Leo told them to wait at the entrance. Jason remembered all too well the pressure of the moment. Fifteen minutes later Leo came, along with Percy, Calypso, and a screaming Annabeth. Percy didn't pay attention to them, rushing Annabeth towards the entrance, Calypso going all with them trying to keep Annabeth calm. Leo stopped with Jason and Piper, who were standing still at this site.

Jason didn't know why he was so shocked...it was just that Annabeth looked like she could tear her baby right out of her own tummy with her own two hands- instead of waiting for medical attention. Piper hadn't looked that desperate.

"Woah, what was that?" Piper asked.

Leo stood there for a few moments, getting his breath back, before he grinned.

"That's Annabeth in labour. Damn man, my ears are gone, I swear."

Jason laughed. As they slowly made their way towards wherever Percy went- Jason could see Calypso at the end of the corridor patiently waiting- Leo told them what happened. Apparently Leo and Calypso had dropped in for a chit chat, and Annabeth had insisted on getting water and all for them, claiming she was fed up of just sitting. While she was in the kitchen, her water broke, and Percy didn't react for a few moments because Annabeth had gone into labour two weeks early. Then, after that, it had just been a whole race towards the hospital thing.

It was kinda similar to what happened with Piper and him, only in their case they'd been in middle of dinner when it happened. Jason sighed. Good memories, those were.

They came towards where Annabeth was admitted; they saw Annabeth's doctor take charge. Her doctor was a daughter of Apollo named Karen Smith, a pretty woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, like most Apollo kids. She'd also been the one to take care of Piper's delivery. Jason's heart warmed at seeing her.

"Hey, Karen." He said.

Karen smiled at both of them. 

"Hey, Jason and Piper! Its been so long! How are you? How's the little boy? He's five, isn't he?"

Jason didn't know how to answer the 'how are you' question, but Piper took care of it.

"Lovely, Karen. Yeah, he's five this year. We named him Josh."

"That's adorable! Now, if you'll excuse me-"

"Get her out of me! Oh my gods, it hurts! What is she doing?! Karennnnn!!!" Annabeth yelled from within the room. Karen hurried inside.

Jason liked how Piper had said 'we' but she could very well have been speaking of five years ago- both of them together had named Josh, Josh.

"Damn. Was I that bad?" Piper whispered, looking like she could laugh any moment.

Jason grinned. "Worse. You broke two of my ribs, kicking me."

"I did what?"

"Yeah, you got annoyed I was getting in the way or something, and then you kicked me really hard, and 2 of them cracked. Karen gave me some ambrosia and nectar."

Piper laughed. "Gosh, I'm sorry then."

"That's ok. I don't mind getting my ribs cracked. Not at all."

Piper didn't say anything; she simply smiled. Jason loved how she looked alive and cheery- not scared, like she'd been on the balcony.

He wanted to talk to her about it, but they were interrupted by Leo.

"Guys, probably not the best time, but just by the way, my wedding's next week." He dropped the bomb.

Piper whirled around. "What?! When did it-"

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