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Yep, I'm back, to give you what I promised MONTHS ago (because I suck I'm sorry). Also, before I forget, A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU!!!

I can't believe it has been more than a year since I started writing Sparks Fly and changed my life (and yours too, I hope: P). I started, when, October of 2014? GOSH. And it's almost 2016 (I week more omg).

Hahahaaha. I remember telling you guys I'll give you one more thing to squeal about when the book hits 11k reads (its 11.7k now thank you soooo much) and I promised this like two months ago. I'm sorry :(

This is possibly a short one. All I can say is I love you guys for appreciating this book and liking it and commenting and just :") You've been with Piper and Jason all the way. Thanks a lot! So basically, it's a short 1 year epilogue after Jason and Piper reconcile their relationship. One of my epilogues showed how they were going to have a second baby. So that. Take care, it is SHORT. After all it's just a tiny thing on "are they still strong after a year?". A test. Yep, I'm evil. MWAAHAHA.

So without further ado, let's revisit!


Jason woke up to a lot of squealing.

It was a cold morning, and he wanted to do nothing more than slip right under the thick comforter and wrap his arms around Piper, Josh and Haley.

Only there was no one there. He was alone.

He shot up, and was greeted by Piper and Haley both swooping in to give him a kiss (well, Piper did. Haley more like drooled all over him in happiness, sweet child). And if that wasn't enough, a tiny guy crawled under the comforter from the other end.

"Merry Christmas!!!" All of them screamed at once. Aah, of course, it was Christmas. Jason smiled and rubbed his eyes. Then he assessed all of them (with Josh snuggled right next to him). Piper looked gorgeous as usual, but then, she always would, to him, with all her rat's nest hair and what not. Josh was the same, except that he was six now. And Haley, his cute baby girl, was a month old. She had Piper's dark hair and Jason's blue eyes, and as much it hurt sometimes to tell this to Piper, she had completely stolen his heart, and she was the most beautiful girl in his life now.

"Same to you, sweethearts," he whispered, then he scooted to give all of them space to readjust, so that Josh and Haley could be together in the middle. The cold was horrible. He took Haley's hand and played with it. He would have been content to simply sit there, doing nothing, but when one has hyperactive kids like Josh around, it's kind of impossible.

"C'mon, Mom, Dad! Presents, can we please open them? Pleeeeaasssee?"

Piper laughed. "And here I thought we could have a silent Christmas."

Josh gave a horrified look. "What kind of Christmas would that be? It sounds so boring!" This made Jason laugh. And Haley laughed because, well, Jason did.

"Sure, let's do that." They all got up, with Josh squealing towards the Christmas tree Jason had gotten a week before, now covered with all the Christmas decorations Piper and he used in the first years of marriage, and had been locked away when he had been alone. But none of them brought that up while they were busy cleaning it up because they both wanted to move on.

Under the tree were several presents: from all of them to Josh, to Haley. Josh had made a card for both Piper and Jason with a very comical reindeer that looked like a cow with super awesome horns. But it's the thought that counts, and Jason felt all warm. Haley had given a simple frame with one of her hand prints in Christmassy colours (with Piper's help obviously) and Jason nearly cried. Lastly, Piper gave him two presents- a tie (which he had wanted but didn't know which one to choose) and a handkerchief with their picture printed on it. Jason looked confused.

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