Part Eleven- Our First Date.

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I woke up the next morning and remembered I was in Draco's sweater and I just smiled. I must say I didn't want to take it off. It was just so comfortable. But in the end I had too in order to get dressed for the day. People probably thought I was insane yesterday and they will today as well because I had just gotten out of the hospital and I was already running around. Honestly I don't   care how crazy people may think I am, all I know is I was there way too long to waist anytime on just enjoying life because for all we know there may not be a tomorrow so why hang on to that feeling of sickness. 

After I got dressed I saw his ring on the necklace over on my dresser so I decided to keep his one condition and put it on. The ring sat perfectly centered on my neck. It was very noticeable. I didn't know what I would say if someone asked who's it is or what it's from but I just hoped no one would ask. I walked down to the common room and everyone was there: Pansy, Blaise, Theodore, and Draco. The second I turned the corner and saw everyone my eyes went straight to him and I saw him look down at the ring hanging from my neck and he looked up with a smirk and shot me a wink. "Ready to go!" Pansy asked. "Yes!" With that we walked arm in arm with the boys behind us like always. I missed walking to breakfast with Pansy and the boys every morning. 

The day went surprisingly fast. There was a lot that I had missed though over the last two months.  Though we didn't have our first two periods because every house had a meeting today. It was about the Yule ball. I was excited. I love getting dressed up and dress shopping with Emily. Though it did make me think if I would be going alone or not. Would Draco ask me? Would he even want to be seen publicly with me? Who knows.

It was now the end of the day and our whole group went to dinner. We all sat there for a minute before Draco motioned his head over towards the door gently, while looking at me. I knew he meant it was time to go so I told everyone I would see them later and headed out of the great hall. Shortly after Draco followed and met me in the corridor. "I can take that." Draco said taking my robe off since I had my outfit on underneath it and we had to wear our robes to dinner. "Stunning." He said looking at my outfit then meeting my eyes again. He took my hand and we went to an apparition spot to get to dinner. In seconds we had arrived. This place was really nice and it was so pretty. Draco had on yet another all black suit on. Why did he have to be so attractive?

We walked up the the host and he immediately knew who Draco was  "Ah, Mr. Malfoy It's a pleasure. Your table is ready right this way." The host led us to a table outside looking over the mountains that were lit only by the stars in the sky. The host pulled out my chair and I thanked him "Of course Ms. Diggory." The host said. Draco bowed his head and the host did the same before walking away. "This place is gorgeous." I said looking at the stars. "Yes it is, you fit perfectly." Draco said, looking at me. I looked back at him "They seem to know you quite well, do you come here often?" "Yes I suppose I do. This is where the Ministry has dinner meetings sometimes, and my mother and I always have to come with my father. But it's much more enjoyable when you come at your own will." Draco said, looking into my eyes. His eyes were hit just right by the stars and looked as if they were glowing. "Are you sure it's not just that I make everything 100 times better?" I said sarcastically with a little giggle. "I wouldn't disagree." Draco laughed a bit as well. "You know, Mattheo had spoken very highly about your mother." I mentioned, not thinking about the situation with him. "She's been very good to him. We were raised like brothers and my mother treated him no different than myself. To think of it now you two are very similar, I think you would get along quite well." "I've been told that, but I'm not so sure about that." I said nervously since my own parents don't seem to like me most of the time. "I believe she would love you and you would be friends. In fact she wants to meet you but I don't want to rush that just yet. And before you ask, I tell my mother everything so when you came along and I screwed up she was the one who told me to pull my head out of my ass and push my pride to the side and own up to what I did. Not in these words exactly but close enough. She made her point very clear." When he said that I blushed a bit. He talked about me to his mother. The thought of meeting parents freaked me out but it made me feel better that his mother already knew about me and that she pushed him to make things right with me. I smiled at him. We ate dinner and talked and then a dessert was brought out after that me and Draco split.

Once we left we walked around the small town we were in, just walking through the empty streets. We then apperated to the black lake and there was a large blanket laid out on the ground in a spot with no trees around it. "Looking at stars is one of your favorite things to do and it's a perfectly clear night so you can see every star." Draco said, pulling me towards the blanket. "You seem to have put in a lot of effort." I said while he was still walking to the blanket. "I told you I would do what it took." He turned around and pulled me closer to him. "Do you like it?" He asked. "I love it Draco." I walked up to him the rest of the way and hugged him. He kissed the top of my head "good" and then we laid down on the blanket, our faces inches from each other. "Can I ask you something?" Draco asked, turning to face me. I nodded in response. "I'm not good at rejections so don't mess this up." He said being completely serious. "Okay" I laughed. "Kaitlyn Elizabeth Diggory, will you be mine, not just in secret but where everyone knows?" He said, sounding nervous. "Yes Draco Malfoy, I'll be your girlfriend." I replied smiling. He shot up as if she was surprised. "Really?" "Did you expect me to say no?" "Well yes, I did," he said. "No I wanted you to myself. But I must say those words sounded like they came straight out of Emily Lupin's mouth." "She may have helped some." We both laughed. "It's getting late, you need to get back and get some sleep." Draco said after a while. "Who are you, my Father?" I asked back. "No but I am your boyfriend and you need to be able to enjoy the day tomorrow and not be sleepy the whole time." He said back pulling me up from the ground. "But I'm not even doing anything tomorrow but sitting in my room and watching my favorite movie or something like I do every year on my birthday." I complained, not wanting to leave. "You still need to sleep my love." He said, pushing my hair out of my face before kissing me. I could never get tired of his kiss.

We got back to the castle and then got to the common room entrance. I started to let go of his hand because I didn't know if he wanted to tell everyone just yet but he tightened his grip on my hand not letting me pull away. I smiled even though he wouldn't have  seen me since he was in front of me. Everyone was sitting on the couch including a few people that I had seen but never met and some guys from the quidditch team. We didn't stop and continued to the stairs walking past everyone. "Kaitlyn, do you have anything to tell us? I mean you wake from the dead and now you're running around in the rain and left the castle for hours with what seems to be Draco that you left with seeing that you two are holding hands." Blaise piped up and asked. I looked down at my hand in Draco's before looking back up at Blaise "I don't think so, no." I smiled and then continued to walk up stairs with Draco.

When we got to my dorm Draco turned me around to face him and glided his finger over the ring on my neck "All mine." he said. I just giggled a bit and shook my head. "Go on and change so I can tell you goodnight before I go back to my dorm." "Okay but it may take a minute because I need to take my makeup off." I replied to him. "That's fine darling." Now that made my whole body have butterflies. I walked to my bathroom but stopped and rested my hand on the door frame. "You don't have to go if you don't want to." I said without turning around. "Are you sure?" Draco asked. I turned around to look at him "Very." "Well then i'll be back I need to change as well." He said giving me a quick kiss before walking out to his dorm. I changed into a pair of short spandex that were very comfortable and put his sweater back on. I then took off my makeup and braided my hair before laying in bed.

Within seconds Draco knocked once before entering. He pulled off his shirt before laying down next to me wrapping an arm around me to pull me closer. Bloody hell he was godlike when it came to his body. I did my best not to drool to say the least. His body was cool which felt so good. "Good night Draco." "Good night Kaitlyn." He kissed the top of my head and shifted to get comfortable before we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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