Chapter - 2

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All get ready to go to Mukbir parents house .All set in car and first goes to mukti house their parents welcome them all set in living room.
Muk' mom- so , what u guys want to talk.
Nan-Aunty actually the thing is and narrater the whole seen happen last night and also said : So we all decide to leave mumbai after exam and settle in London and don't worry aunty we all give our 100% to get high marks then if we want to study further then we can get collage easily in London and also decided to start our carrier from London , So we need your permission for that.
Mukti parent are impressed with nandini, so they  happily agreed.
They can guess that these 4 students of SPACE ACADEMY have a bright future.
After informing them they went to cabir's parents and informed them everything . They also agreed as they saw a bright future of all of the four.

And their parents also said they will help them if they need any kind from them  and also said to stay together it will help you guys in studies .
All of them agreed with them have some snacks and pack some clothes, book and other needful thing and left for nandini home.

On the other hand when Harshad came to know about his sister's drama after talent hunt he felt disgusted.
He directly goes to nandini apartment and apologize all of them included mukti and cabir.
All for them forgive him and also tell him everything including London .
Harshad also join them in their plan and decided to stay away from his so called adopted sister.
After sometime all decided to look towards study so all sid and start reading , leaning if they get any problem they discussed with each other .After countinous 2 hour studying .
Nan-Guys let's take a break it already 6 pm.
All agreed and sit in sofa and navni  made coffee for all of them and all all th start taking with each other in random things they get much comfortable with each other in few hours it looks like they know each other from years.
At 7 P.M
All again start studying they now not getting much difficulty in study so they learn many things.
They don't get to know when it times for dinner bcoz they all r busy in study.
All after freshnup goes toward kitchen make dinner  with taking with each other (harshad know how to cook so it easy for him) .
All have their dinner and they goes and set in back yard gardan and decided to go to college and face everything together all agreed and set their mind not to look back in past and not let FAB 3 affected them .
All goes to their room and sleep withpositive mind.

Precap - College

Life After Separation जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें