Chapter - 28

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Recap - Bachelor party celebration at club...
Alya try to hurt naira and also try to get sidharth.. but dazzlers backfire her plan...


All are dancing and swing on music beats... All are drunk but in limit.
Manik is getting jealous by seeing sidni together . So, in anger he land up in a room with a random girl. While dhruv is sitting silently and alya is fuming in anger and hatred toward nandini.

While sidni is lost in each other world. Both are dancing while hugging each other. Both are silentl , enjoying each other presence. But how can our sid leave a chance when he is with his jaan .
So, he start kissing her neck while nandini clutch his jacket collar tightly.

Nandini (whisper) - Sid... Leave me.... you can't kiss me here.

Sid (smirk) - So, desperate to get a room jaan. (😉 Naughty sid...)

Nandini look down while blushing & hit his arm.

Nandini (blushing) - One track minded... Leave me . We are in club and we need go home.

Sid (wink her) - What if I won't leave you.

Nandini - Sid lis....

Her word die in her mouth sensing sid hand moving on her bare back making her shiver in his touch....(her dress is backless..)

Sid - What jaan... Said with a smirk but hid it with a innocent face

Nandini (stammering) - Sid... you.... arggghhhh .

Nandini didn't do anything... she just put her head on his shoulder clutching his collar. While enjoying his torture. They both stay in same position for sometime. But there moment get disturb by arya voice.

" Sid " " Princess "

Sid turn to see arya is standing with other boys holding their respective partners. While nandini is still in his arm.

Sid - Yes, bhai.

Arya - Let's leave....(said and Turn toward nandini) What happen ?? Princess , did she sleep ?

Sid - Maybe.... who is drunk ?

Veer - Girls are almost bcoz of drinks
And I think they might slept in some time and boys are in their senses.

Sid - Let's do one think ... first take the girls in the car then we will think who will drive.

Arya nodded & moved out while other boys follow him with their girls in their arms.

All boys safely put girls in their respective cars... While their friends and other left to their respective house...

Abhi - Brother, two cars have already gone home.. Looks like we will have to adjust.

Sid come out while holding nandini in his arm..

Sid (carrying nanz) - Don't worry Come in our car... whoever is left. I will sit on the driving seat with her
. She is not leaving.

Arya - But how will you drive with princess.

Abhi - Don't worry. I'll drive .

Sid - No , you are not in your full senses. I'll manage guys don't worry.

Veer - Guys you all  come soon. I'm leaving with ani, maddy and lucky.

Harshad - Ok bro.

Arya - Sid drive safely. Harshad go and sit in my car.

Arya moved toward his car with harshad and drive back . In his car shanaya, soha , harshad are sitting.

Sid moved toward his car and sit on driving seat with nandini in his lap.
In back sit mukti , cavya and in passenger abhi is sitting.

Life After Separation जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें