Chapter - 39

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Recap - Sidni romance.
  Rishi and tanuja come back.
           At mid night all come to nandini room.
Everyone is shocked to hear her, everyone is shocked because she is the only one suffering and they did not pay attention to it… She knew this from the beginning but they did not pay attention to it, they did not have any idea about it. However, everyone was present there. Who was broken by Nandini.

Nandini (serious + smirk) - And now the game is about to end... Tomorrow is the day. He is coming. According to him I am dead, but he doesn't know the truth. And now he has come to know that Bhabhi has given birth to a child... and here happiness has come again in Khanna mansion... which he didn't like. So, he wanted to destroy our happiness.
And he starts threading you guys... And this is not a false alarm. He really wanted to destroy our happiness, especially mine. But this is going to end tomorrow. Tomorrow he is coming. And then we will know who he is? Why did he want to kill me? And many more questions!!!!

Raman (tears in his eyes + shocked to know about attack) - You were keeping all this inside you..  but you didn't even share it with us.

Naitik (shocked + hurt by her) - If you shared it with us .. then we would have help you.

Nandini (sternt expression) - When i can't get to know who is he ?? Then what will you guys do... Haa he wanted to kill me , he wanted to kill our happiness.
If you guys would have helped me in this then he again try to harm us. He will again attack on us.
Like he did few days ago. What you guys did that day. If i haven't come than you guys even know what will happen that day. Give me a single reason to tell you guys.. if i haven't done this. Then it was going to worst you know.
(All kept speechless listening her)
I didn't tell you all becoz i don't want you all to involve in my fight.
I don't want you all to get hurt. He want me not you all. And i don't want you guys to get panick for me, not even for a single reason. And if had tell you than he will get suspicious on us long time back.

All kept silent listening her... Becoz all know she is right at her place. Dazzler's look toward each other and than nodded.

Veer (understanding her P.O.V) - You break Dazzler's rule but we forgive you.... But its last time.

Nandini turn toward all and smile at them. Other also smile back at her.

Arya (coming back to topic) - So , what the next.

Maddy (joking) - Yeah our enemy... opss sorry Nandini khanna enemy is coming  . So , any plans guys.

Soha  - First we have to find about his plan.

Lucky - But how will we find when we don't even know him??

Abhi (looking at her) - You know him or saw him babydoll.

Navya - .Di told me she doesn't know who he is

Cabir (laugh at his own joke) - Yeah man... Abhi how can you be so dumb.

Nandini (glare him and abhi) - Cabir it's not time for joke. And I don't know who is he ?? I just know that he wants revenge from me!! But what have I done that he wants to take revenge from me... and who is this.

Kartik (sign) - Now how will we know about it?

Shanaya (irritate tone) - Don't know bhai... He is really a mystery.

Nandini (smirk thinking something) - He is not going to be a mystery for Nandini Khanna. He is going to come here na.. let him come now we are going to play hide and seek with him.

Sid (understanding her point of view) - What's the plan Nanz than.

Nandini (smirking) - Listen in morning................................................................................................................................................. So, how was the plan.

Life After Separation जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें