Chapter - 22

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Recap - Dazzler's at pub. Sidni moment.
In morning nandini come to know that naira is not well.


Listening all this nandini didn't said anything just left toward her room. Seeing this, all fell guilty for hiding this from her.

Naira (sadly) - She didn't even look at me.

Kartik - Naira you know na , she is so possessive for all of us.. & how can she imagine someone is ill from her family and she didn't even know about this ??

Alya (hatred) - But she is so rude & arrogant how can she talk to you guys and elders like that.

Listening her all Dazzler's get angry and elders too but didn't show her.

Naira (angrily) - When you don't know her then don't talk about her behavior towards us. She care for us , she love us that's why she is angry bcoz we hide about my health from her . So don't talk rubbish about my baby.

Ishita - Naira calm down beta.... anger is not good for your heath na.

Naira - But she is speaking ill about my baby !!!

Naitik - Princess plz calm down okay.

Raman - Alya beta plz don't talk rubbish about my princess... we know her very well , So please.

Alya - Sorry uncle... (P.O.V : Sry my foot , and how dare she talk to me like this . I have to do something and you just wait and watch mrs naira you will pay for this soon.)

Life After Separation जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें