Chapter - 37

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Recap - All Dazzler's follow the girl till mall but didn't find any clue about her.
Sid remember his and nandini confession day.
In evening all dazzler's are in garden talking with each other.
Just then they gear gun shoot voice.
But they see a girl there and get shocked


Girl start firing those black cloth people's.

But soon she runs out of bullets... She starts fighting with the men dressed in black and starts pushing them. But a man dressed in black gets up and shoots at the girl...
When she moved towards the man to snatch the gun but it was too late, the man fired a shot and the bullet grazed her hand... but she composed herself and fired back, which hit him right in the heart and he died on the spot.
The girl holds her arms... tightly to stop the bleeding.
All the family members see this... and start walking towards him worriedly.

The girl sees this and starts backing away... trying to walk away quickly but the elders and the dazzling people have already reached there.
All stand there surround the girl like they are not letting her move from there.

Ishita (worriedly) - Oh my's bleeding so much.

Akshara (same tone) - Naitik call the doctor.

Raman (in same tone) - No let's go to hospital.

Kartik ( suggest) - It's risky papa... This firing just happened... let's go inside... and dress her wound. Till then I'll call the doctor .

Girl (denied) - No no no I'm fine. Thanks for your concern but I don't need your help. I have to go now.

Naira (stubborn) - No you are coming with us inside. You help us a lot.

All start pleading that girl... Even she denied a lot.But she also start lossing her sense . So, she agreed with them.

All girl carefully take her inside.
Abhi calm the doctor. While boys again make security tight seeing the attack which happens now.

Girl and ladies take her to the guest room... Soha give her one pair of clothes while lucky help her to go to washroom. But in all this thay girl didn't remove her mask.
After changing that girl come out wearing fresh clothes... While soha and lucky help her to sit on bed.
Soon, door get open and there come, all boys , men with doctor.

Doctor - Everyone plz go out till then I'll take that bullet out.

All agree and move out.

Doctor start treating her wound.

While outside , all are worried about her and also about other security.
After sometimes sid asked something

Sid (frown) - But suddenly, where did so many guns come from?

Veer (thinking ) - When we went there no one was there... so suddenly

Arya (ask looking around not finding them) - Where is fab3.

Navya - Bhai, he went to the jam room after you left.. and the jam room is sound proof so he did not hear anything..

Cabir - By the way, who is that girl...

Harshad - and did you see her face...

Anika (with weird look) - I don't know who she is...she didn't say anything.

Soha (frown) - She didn't even take off his mask.

Shanaya (thinking about both girls) -
Is this the same girl who was in front of our house and then disappeared from the mall?

Maddy - There is a point in what Shanaya said.

All start thinking about it where as elders and naira are confused.

Life After Separation जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें