Chapter - 16

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Recap - Malhotra's and dhrulya are in Singhaniya Mansion.


Ishita - Let's call it's a day off.

All nodded and left fir their room.

In manik room

----------------------- P.O.V -------------------------
It's been 5 years . After that day everything get changes and this all happened bcoz of you nandini .. I hate you so much bcoz of you cabir and mukti is not with me . They also left me along .
I don't even know where are they .
But I also missed you somewhere in my heart but more then that I hate you .
But why I'm feeling like something is going to happen like my past is going to come . But what is coming .. I don't know.
When we reach singhaniya mansion .. I must say they are more rich then us everything is their is very expensive.
We meet singhaniya and khanna their after freshup , we all had their dinner when we all are going towards our room we heard some voices .. when we turned we see two boys are sitting their with their grumpy face and when I see them ... I m shocked, most famous business men are sitting and sulking like a baby... and talking about some princess..
Who is this princess ?? But after their parents make them understand they left with sulking like kids like they lost their fav toys.Godd.. their princess must be very important and special to them that's why they are behaving like this.
Now sleep manik .. day after tomorrow is a big day for you.... we are going Q label's. We have to get this deal or else our music carrier will be finished bcoz we didn't get much album after mukti and cabir get disappeared..But this time I have to get this music deal or else my music carrier .. my dream will be finished.
Be positive manik everything will be good.

---------------------P.O.V END----------------------

In dhrulya room

They both are sleep while thinking about something.

Alya thinking :
----------------------- P.O.V -------------------------

I must say singhaniya are more richer than us and manik . I have to do something for getting into their good books.. and btw their is an engagement party na I will seduce some business men and then I will get more rich.
And no one can resist Alya sexene charm. I will wear some hot dress tomorrow to seduce some mens.
But I want to be in their princess place.. I'm 100% sure she is not better then me . I will do something to get  at her place .
Sleep alya tomorrow is a big day for u.

---------------------P.O.V END----------------------

Dhruv thinking :
----------------------- P.O.V -------------------------
Wow.. man this mansion is more beautiful then my imagination.
I must say their taste is very nice .
And their princess is seem to be their only daughter . I will make her fall for me.. then I will get their property and become more richer .
But I have to be very careful... her brother must be protective for her.
Tomorrow is going to be a big day.

---------------------P.O.V END----------------------

NEXT DAY (Engagement)

In khanna mansion.
All wake up early . And after fresh up .. all younger start looking after preparation.. all are going here and there and giving instructions to servent.

Sid - Man do is fast na...And see this.... this is not looking good , change it fast.

While cabir side .. cabir is taking to someone on his phone.

Cabir (talking on phone) - How much time you guys will take .. function is only today not tomorrow .. so get everything quickly here.. Fast and u guys remember it na it's khanna function so plz everything should be perfect .. and I won't tolerate a single mistake.. yah yah come fast.
(After cutting his call) heyy... What are you doing there... See this ,  this is not done yet. First complete this pilar. Than do other things.

Life After Separation जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें