Chapter - 36

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Recap - Kaira receive gift which is order by her for their new born baby.

Kartik,Veer and arya tell all Dazzler's and their father's that a girl come daily and stand in front of their mansion from last three months.

All decided to see the footage but they didn't see her face.
So, all Dazzler's decided to keep an eye on her and also follow her.


All nodded and move to their rooms and start seeing outside through there balcony... After sometime they see a girl come and stand in front of khanna mansion.
Dazzlers get connected with each other throw voice call... While arya inform john about it.
All start observing her but didn't find anything wrong.
After 30 min that girl start moving from there.. all dazzlers rushed outside to follow her... Even john start following her without her knowledge in his car. They see that girl took a cab after 10 min distance from their mansion.

Dazzles with arhana and kartik are also following her in two car... While mukti , sid , harshad , cabir and abhi are on bike's.

After sometimes they see that cab stop infront of mall & that girl moved inside it.

All also follow her inside the mall and start looking for her but they didn't find her. Like she vanish in thin air.

After 40 min of searching for her.. they all come at middle of mall but they didn't even find a clue about her.

They all moved toward parking when a person in hoodie collided with veer and mumber a sorry and left from there.. but veer see a envelope fell from his bag.

Veer (shout) - Hey you... Your envelope... Oh listen your envelope has fallen...

But that person didn't listen to him and goes from there.

Arya - This is weird.. first the envelope fell and when we are calling him , he didn't hear it.

Anika - Veer open it... maybe there is some name written on it so I can give it to him.

Veer nodded and look at it... But he didn't find any name... So he open it and read it loudly.

Dazzler's ....

Stop looking for me you won't find me... Until I want to relieve myself...
So, stop searching for me.

Take care... And we will meet soon... If destiny want us to meet. Then...

Mystery girl.

Veer (frustratedly) - Who the hell is she ?? How did she know that we are following her ?? How ??

Harshad (frown) - We follow her but we didn't let her notice that we are following her !!!!

Maddy (yelled at john) - How she get to know that we are following her !!!!

John ( thinking ) - Sir even I'm thinking that only!!! Bcoz when we follow her , She didn't even look back . I clearly remember this.

Arya (irritatingly) - Then how she get to know that we are following her !!!!

Cabir (frustrated) - Man !!! This is so frustrating.

Kartik (thinking about that person) - But that person is a man na then ??

Mukti (thinking about that girl) - And where that girl vanished ??

Sid (sadly) - Guys let's go back home. I don't think we'll find anything about that girl here. Let's go back then we'll see the remaining footage.

Life After Separation जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें