Chapter - 20

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Recap - Nandini and mukti slap alya .
At night fab3 come to khanna mansion and they get a shocked to know about navni been khanna' daughter's.


Naira (shout) - Stop it !!!

Listening naira shout all become silent .

Naira (sarcastically) - Plz stop your fight guys , you are going to marry each other after 1 week and you guys are behaving like 5 year kids. And taking advantage of your fight , nandini start eating.

Listening her all turn toward dining table and see nandini is having her dinner while waving at them . Then all start going toward her and kartik and sid sit either sides of her & also put more food in her plate while she give a puppy face to kartik who glare her then she turn toward sid who nodded no & gave a look "eat properly".

After completing their dinner all goes to their respective rooms while malhotra's and fab3 also stay in khanna mansion.

In dhrulya room.

--------------------Alya P.O.V----------------------

How can even this possible , these bhenji are d/o of khanna's .
And nandini is princess of both families ,why is this always happen whatever I deserve she snatch it from me. &They both are middle class girls in mumbai na then how can this even possible. They are faking that time but why . And this mukti is girlfriend of khanna son..... wow mukti your life is become full rich.
How much lucky you are but don't worry I'll get which is your now soon. I will try to impress singhaniya boy his name is siddharth ya.. he is so hot man. I'll make him fall in my charm and beauty & I'll also take my revenge from you and that nandini bcoz of her you slap me today . (Huh?? Charm and beauty my foot. You didn't even trap him bcoz he is already fall for nandini..)

---------------------P.O.V END ---------------------

--------------------Dhruv P.O.V--------------------

Navni are d/o khanna's they are so much rich . God and nandini is princess of both house .. I have do something.. but what..I'm sure nandini didn't fall in my trap and navya too and their all brothers are so much possessive for their sister .What should I do.. but Till then I have to behave nicely with them to get into their good books.(in ur dreams huh!!)

--------------------P.O.V END ---------------------


All wake up early and start getting ready for their office. While

Soon all come down one by one for breakfast while sidni and veer didn't come .
After sometime sid and veer come while making their tie...

 After sometime sid and veer come while making their tie

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Sid & veer - Good morning everyone...

All - Morning..

Alya - Hey siddharth.. gm.

Life After Separation जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें