Chapter - 30

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Recap - D - Day for Vani and Arhana.
After wedding all goes to khanna mansion and start all the rituals.
Nandini think about her enemy.


In Khanna Mansion.

All are sleeping but they have to wake up early bcoz today is reception of Vani and Arhana.
So , they all need to do preparation. But their sleep get over them and they again slip in their peaceful sleep.

In Nandini room.

Nandini is sleeping peacefully but her beauty sleep get disturb by her phone ring. She get irritate and take the call.

Nandini (on call she speak with a irritating voice) - Hello... Who this ??

But listening from other side , her sleep goes far away from her mind. She straight herself and sit on bed with a serious expression.

Nandini - Yeah.... Okay. Be careful . I won't accept a single mistake about this. And you know how much I possessive for my family. One scratch on them and you will death... Hmm.... Yeah okay. And increase the security around the house but no one should dout on you guys. Listen to me carefully and do as I say okay...
So the plan is ........................ ..............
And check every person. If you guys get dout on anyone just msg me with that person picture too. Yeah .. okay.

Saying this she cut the call.

She get up from the bed and move toward the window of her room and start starring at the surrounding carefully. While thinking something.

Nandini (though) - Who is this ??who hates me so much that to take revenge from me.. he is keeping an eye on my every move.How did he know what I was going to do tomorrow... & Where have I gone in the last 2 weeks. where did he get all these details of mine? He/ she is keeping eye on my every move.... but. But still they don't know that Nandini Khanna is still one step ahead of them.If he can keep an eye on my every move, then I will change my every move and you will not even know when you get trapped in your own plan. A few more days and then you will know that if Nandini Khanna has come to make a plan or... if she has to trap her enemy, then what does she do...And what she does and you won't even realize it , when you fall into my trap that to yourself , you will do exactly what I want you to do and you have to do that . See you soon enemy. I'm coming to you.... But first take a phase in your plan.. then start your plan.

After thinking about something... She move towards bathroom and get fresh up and goes downstairs.

She moved toward living room to see all the worker's are doing the preparation of reception. As per as the instructions.
Then after checking about the other preparation , she moved toward kitchen and make a coffee for herself . And start drinking it while giving instructions to worker's.

After one or two hour all elders come down.. nandini give all them their morning coffee and tea with some morning breakfast... Which they need bcoz they are still tired. Soon Dazzler's join them including vani and arhana.

All staet doing their breakfast while talking to each other and pulling and teashing newly couple's.

After sometime... Both couples move to their room bcoz reception will start after 2 or 3 hour's. Bcoz it's already afternoon and also they need to pack their backs bcoz after reception ... Both couples are going for their respective honeymoon places.

Elder Ladies are with naira and taking care of her bcoz 5 month of her pregnancy get complete. So, all are giving her so much attention , love and care bcoz of her pregnancy mood swing , she sometime said no one love her.
So , mostly ladies stay with her all time with kartik. Dazzlers and elder men also spent time with her but due to function they don't give her that much time. So they promise her that till then reception all her maa will be with her.

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