Chapter - 35

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Recap - Dazzlers fail to meet pari. They tell everything to elders.
Naira give birth to a boy.
Sid feel Nandini id near him in hospital... But didn't find her.


All wake up early today & come downstairs after getting ready... While ishita and akshara are helping naira in getting ready... And off course their grandson too.

After sometimes naira come down with akshara , while ishita is coming with her grandson in her arms... Who is looking so cute and also looking his surrounding with his duo eyes.

All Girls go aww on their little nephew baby boy who is looking soo cute.
Soon all get settled in living room after having breakfast. And girls one by one start taking baby in their arms.
While Boys and man are waiting for their number to play with baby... But girls are in no mood to give baby .

Raman (said having enough of them) - Girls time over !!! Now plz give me my grandson... I also want to play with him.

Anika nodded and give him baby. Who safely held him in his arms... One by one all boys start playing with baby.

But they all get disturbed by door bell... Servant open the door & call everyone their.

So Dazzler's and elders go their to see what is while kaira is sitting in living room.

All get surprised by seeing lots of gifts.
Seeing the name in gifts , veer call kaira... Who come & also get surprised.
Kartik tell to servant to bring all gift inside.

After placing all gifts inside , servant left... While dazzlers boys start checking the gifts ... To find any card or name , like this they will get to know who send these gifts... But they didn't find anything.

Having enough of their introgation and checking... Girls moved to those gifts and one by one open them... And get surprised by gifts.

After 5 min door bell again ring... One servant open the door to see a delivery boy is standing with two big gifts boxes... Who said to call all the members out.

Servant call all members.
But kartik goes near him to talk with him.

Delivery boy - Hello sir. I hope you received all gifts ... Which we send sometimes ago.

Kartik - You send those gifts ??

Delivery boy - Yes sir , these gifts are send by us. We got order to send those gift first then left from there without telling anything to anyone and now I'm here to give you these two gifts.

Kartik read the name and got shocked.. but he composed himself and asked again

Kartik (with normal face) - When ??When did she order these gifts ??

Delivery boy - Three month ago.. I know sir , you are shocked but we got the order three month back from mam. She said after the news we have to send these gifts... And we even confirm this news first. so, here we are & congratulations sir... Now I'll take a leave.

Delivery boy left while others are confused bcoz they didn't hear what they are talking... Kartik said a servant to place the gift inside while other to move to living room with kartik. CV

Raman (confused) - Who has sent these gifts Kartik ?? and what was the delivery boy saying.

Kartik (with sad smile) - Papa, they have not sent them, someone had already ordered all these gifts... and also the gifts that had come earlier.

Naitik (frown) - But who had ordered all these gifts

Kartik (in low voice) - The one who had been sending gifts till today had done it.

Life After Separation जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें