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His fingers were spotted with ink, nails stuffed with clay that had dried. Ruffled pages of untidy notes tucked underneath his arm. Searching for an ear that will open itself for his mighty tails of drunken nights with friends and newly composed piano melodies that would buzz in your soul forever. His heavy boots at the doorway. Pockets stuffed with sea shells and compressed weeds that look like flowers and beads and jewels and bookmarks and tissues heavy with tears. Books with wrinkled spines and poetry lines memorized. Newspaper prints hung on walls and symphony concerts attended. Not minding when the rain plastered his hair to his forehead and made puddles at the bottom of his shoes. Watching movies in languages he couldn't understand just to imagine what it would be like to travel somewhere foreign. Cards for every library in the city, two top buttons on his shirt forever hanging open. Untied laces and coffee-stained teeth. Footprints imbedded in the night sea. His best friend's weathered picture slipped into his wallet, not yet knowing that was it's lasting home. A pink nose accompanied by even pinker cheeks when a certain someone was around. Slow dancing alone and dreaming only of new lands and who he wanted with him. Turtlenecks pulled over quivering lips. Parading through ancient residential halls. Muddied dress shoes squeaking against polished tile floor. Skipping lectures and avoiding that boy, too desired. Butterflies escaping hands and picking foxtails from cozy sweaters.

This was him. Entirely uninspired by anything but getting to know the world like it were an old friend to him.

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