Part 20: Mystery Case!

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~Hiya there, readers! It's CheriVonny! I want to apologize for the late upload, however, i've been really busy and i plan on posting the next chapter this weekend. I don't have a lot to say so im going to let you guys read now! I hope you enjoy this chapter! And sorry again for the late upload!~


This day started off weirdly.. Ash and Gou have been angry at each other, but they can't find out why they are so mad at one another. Chloe and the professors are noticing it too. Although they cant do much about it, they still sit close and watch. Or as Chloe likes to call it: Spying

Upstairs there were sounds of pillows being flung, pokemon chattitering, and things being thrown across the room. Chloe walked up stairs cautiously, until she was knocked down by Pikachu! With Raboot and Sobble right behind him. They all tumbled downstairs, but Chloe caught a grip of the rails and hung on tight until she was able to lift herself up again.

Chloe: "What a fall! You guys alright?"

Pikachu: "P-Pika.. Pi.."(I-Im fine.. Ow..)

Sobble: *sobs*


Chloe looked up the stairs, she hesitated due to the fact that she fell. But she forced herself to go to the boy's room and see what the fuss was about. She opened the door, and to her shock, the room was a hot mess.

Pillows, bedsheets, backpacks, pokeballs, and other things were scattered everywhere across the room! Chloe took a step inside, but Gou nor Ash were able to be found. Until the closet door crashed open and Gou and Ash came flying out! They were scuffling and fighting, rolling all over the floor.

Chloe couldn't move. She was shocked, astonished, and scared. But she couldn't help but admire how Gou was fighting back. Against his own friend!

Gou: "I didnt do it! Now get.. Off of me!

Ash was then kicked up by Gou's legs. That gave Gou enough time to scramble to his feet and get up. Chloe still admired the fact that Gou could defend himself. But she had to get this situated.

Chloe: "Guys? What is going on?"

The two boys froze at Chloe's appearance. Both of them didnt know she was there the entire time. Ash glared at Gou. Gou flinched but stood on his guard.

Ash: "Well, if it weren't for Gou stealing my stuff, maybe this wouldn't be happening!"

Gou: *scoffs* "You're accusing me over some dumb toy that i didn't take?!"

Ash: "Its not a dumb toy! Its a collectible!"

Chloe: "What was it?"

Ash: "Its the new collectible of the new movie 'Spy and Victim'! I just got it today and now its gone! Gou was the last one with it."

Gou: "I didnt take it!"

Ash: "Of course you didnt Gou. You're sooooo innocent."

Gou launched at Ash but he easily blocked it and pushed Gou to the floor. Gou landed with a loud thud and grunt.

Before Ash could do anything else, a large ghostly-like figure appeared through the wall. It was Gengar! And in Gengar's hands were.. Ash's new collectible! Gengar plopped it on Ash's head and left with a sneaky laugh.

Chloe: "Huh.. So Gengar was behind all of this? Who knew?"

Gou: "Nobody did expect the Pokemon itself. Everything is good now. I expect an apology from someone."

Ash: "..."

Ash looked down at the carpet floor and sighed. Feeling ashamed for what he had done. He began to shuffle his feet and held the collectible tight in his hand.

Ash: "Im.. Im sorry Gou.."

Gou: "Its alright, i forgive you! Just dont make anymore accusations."

Ash: "O-Okay.."

Gou walked up to him and hugged him gently. He cooed in his ear to comfort Ash. Once they made up, they started cleaning the mess they made and their room was cleaned in no time. The Pokemon were okay, and Chloe left downstairs. Still Chloe admired the strength of Gou.

Suddenly, Chloe felt this warm feeling inside of her. Her heart was beating fast, and she could feel her face turn red. What was this feeling? Had Chloe picked up feelings for Gou? And how far would she go to make him her own?

~End of Part 20~

~Hello! CheriVonny here! Sorry for the late upload again! Sorry if it was short. But here is a good cliffhanger! There's going to be more! So stay tuned, thanks! Have a good rest of your day/night! <3~

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