Part 12: I just wish. . .

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-CheriVonny here! So. . . Back with another part! I'm so sorry that I'm late!! Plus, I'm going to try and improve my parts! I'll be going back and editing my parts. So if something is different about them, please remember that I am going back and editing them! Also, SkephaloShipperXD gave me an idea for this part. So thank her for the idea! Anyways, thank you, Enjoy!-

This morning was quite different than any other morning. You know how Gou doesn't go to school? Yeah, He's going to school today. "But I don't wanna go! You know how long it's been?!" Gou whined. "Yes I know. But, you have to get your education" Chole responded back. "B-But people are going to welcome be back and I don't want a lot of attention." Gou said. A little quieter this time. Soon Ash sprinted down the stairs.

Ash: "I wanna go to school too!"

Gou: "Ash you can't go. . ."

Ash: "Why not?"

Gou: "Because. . . You don't go to school here."

Ash: "Well, you look really nice in that uniform!"

Gou: "I know. I look good in anything!"

Ash: "Not everything. . ."

Chole: "Not that any of this matters, but we'll be late for school if we don't hurry Gou."

Gou: "R-Right! I'll see you later, Ash!"

Ash: "Bye!"

Then Chole and Gou were on their way to school. (Guys. I haven't seen the episode yet, so I'll use my 🌈IMAGINATION🌈) Chole and Gou walked along the dirt path. It was a very sunny day. But Gou didn't worry about that. He had something on his mind. Or should I say someone? Although Ash and Gou are dating, they were still kind of getting used to it. It's only been a few days after Gou confessed and things were going his way. 

Gou spaced out for a moment. While walking in the direction the school was in. "Gou, what are you thinking about?" Chole asked. It was unusual for Gou to space out. "Uh. . . Gou?" Chole said. "We're almost at the school." That's when Gou came back to his senses. "O-Oh right! School. . ." Gou said, dully. "What's wrong with school?" Chole asked. She didn't think anything was wrong with school. She loved school!

"W-well. Here we are then." Gou said. They were both standing in front of a huge building. It had lots of glass windows, a water fountain, and had an elevator! (Talk about being fancy.) Although it was pretty, it was known the most educated school in Vermillion City! Plus, all the smartest kids went there. They were all about Gou's age. Some kids there were even 11 or 12.

After a moment or so looking at the building, they headed inside. "Welcome back, Gou!" Nessa said. She was one of Gou's teachers. Well his homeroom teacher. "Hi Mrs. Nessa!" Gou exclaimed he was happy to be back. Well not really, because Ash wasn't there with him. But that didn't stop Gou from being happy that he was back at school.

Gou and Chole had different homeroom teachers. They both said goodbye to each other and they parted ways down the hall. While walking down the marble hallway. Gou seen the older kids. They liked to bully him. But Gou didn't care what they thought of him. "Heh. . . Guess who's back." One of the older kids said. Gou ignored them and continued to walk up the hall.

That's when Gou saw a group of girls walk by him. He didn't know any of them. But the one girl that stood out was Addy. Addy told the group of girls to keep walking down the hall so she could meet up with them. That's when Addy started to follow Gou to his locker. Gou did not want to see Addy. Nor did he want her presence around him.

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